[Draft] New home
Comment voter le 9 juin ?
Dimanche 9 juin*, on élit 81 député·es au Parlement européen.
C’est un scrutin à 1 tour, à la proportionnelle: chaque liste qui obtient plus de 5% enverra des sièges au Parlement européen.
* Le vote est le samedi 8 juin pour la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, la Polynésie française et les Français résidant aux Caraïbes et sur le continent Américain.
Comment envoyer un maximum de député·es écologistes au Parlement le 9 juin ?
N’oubliez pas : 50% des électrices et électeurs se décident dans les 72h précédant le vote. Une priorité jusqu’à dimanche : convaincre votre entourage de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie ! Ça peut faire changer l’élection. Chaque 240 000 voix gagnées, c’est 1 député·e écologiste de plus.
Pour convaincre ses proches, 3 étapes clés 🎯
1. Faire la liste des 10 à 40 personnes à convaincre autour de vous (ami·e·s, famille, collègues, camarades militant·e·s etc…) qui seraient susceptibles de voter pour nous.
2. Les appeler ou leur envoyer un email ou un SMS/WhatsApp. Comme en tractage, la conversation est le moyen le plus efficace de les convaincre. Commencer par poser une question : “avez vous/as-tu prévu d’aller voter ? De mon côté, j’ai fait mon choix, discutons-en”.
3. En fonction de leur réponse, expliquez leur pourquoi vous êtes convaincu que le vote Europe Écologie est le plus utile pour l’Europe, pour nos vies. Nous vous avons préparé un message automatique que vous pouvez leur envoyer sur WhatsApp.
Voici quelques arguments pour vous aider :
- 👉 Les ONG indépendantes sont unanimes : les écologistes sont les plus crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes au Parlement européen. Il n’y a pas que les votes qui comptent, mais aussi tout le travail de rapport, commission, etc pour lequel les député·e·s écologistes sont reconnu·e·s les plus travailleur·euse.s et engagé·e·s.
- 👉 On n’élit pas qu’une tête de liste mais bien un collectif de futurs eurodéputé·es : notre liste compte des eurodéputé⸱es expérimenté·es courageux·ses et de figures engagé·es crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes sur leurs sujets de prédilection. C’est une de nos forces par rapport aux autres listes. Voici quelques vidéos portraits à partager largement, ou encore la liste complète.
- 👉
Le programme de la liste Europe Écologie est le plus ambitieux et réaliste pour préserver et améliorer les conditions de vie en Europe:
- Protection du climat, de la biodiversité et bien être animal
- Souveraineté alimentaire
- Investissement dans les énergies renouvelables
- Revenu jeune
- Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités
- Sursaut fédéraliste
- Europe de la diplomatie et de la défense
- 👉 Parce que la liste Europe Écologie constitue la seule liste pro-européenne, fédéraliste, cohérente et ambitieuse pour changer l’Europe et sauver le climat !
Je convaincs mes proches
J'envoie un message à la liste des 10 à 40 personnes autour de moi pour les convaincre de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie.
array:26 [ "page" => array:12 [ "type" => "Page" "links" => array:1 [ "self" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/website/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" ] "id" => "6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" "title" => "[Draft] New home" "slug" => "draft-new-home" "description" => null "image" => null "sharer" => null "read_time" => 15 "content" => """ <div class="mt-5 section-container">\n <img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/6du8Sae57HQaBARUWQ44lX/banniere-twitter-9-juin-je-vote.png">\n </div>\n <div class="section-container">\n <section>\n <div class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment voter le 9 juin ?</h2>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dimanche 9 juin*, on élit 81 député·es au Parlement européen.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>C’est un scrutin à 1 tour</strong>, à la proportionnelle: chaque liste qui obtient plus de 5% enverra des sièges au Parlement européen. \n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Pas besoin d’une carte électorale.</strong>\n </p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dans votre bureau de vote habituel.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><a href="https://www.elections.interieur.gouv.fr/mes-demarches/je-trouve-mon-bureau-de-vote">Trouver mon bureau de vote</a></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Un seul bulletin Vert</strong> à mettre dans l’urne, le bulletin Europe Écologie</p>\n <a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf" download=""><img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1dloQxhDtvSqS1cZwldmc0/bulletin-de-vote.jpg" class="mb-4"></a>\n <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 1.5rem"><span><a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf">Télécharger le bulletin de vote</a></span></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none pb-0">\n <p><small>* Le vote est le samedi 8 juin pour la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, la Polynésie française et les Français résidant aux Caraïbes et sur le continent Américain.</small></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment envoyer un maximum de député·es écologistes au Parlement le 9 juin ?</h2>\n \n <div class="content-card">\n <p>N’oubliez pas : 50% des électrices et électeurs se décident dans les 72h précédant le vote. <strong>Une priorité jusqu’à dimanche : convaincre votre entourage de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie !</strong> Ça peut faire changer l’élection. Chaque 240 000 voix gagnées, c’est 1 député·e écologiste de plus.</p>\n </div>\n <div class="row my-5">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <p class="text-center mb-4" style="font-size: 2rem"><strong>Pour convaincre ses proches, 3 étapes clés 🎯</strong></p> \n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">1. Faire la <strong>liste des 10 à 40 personnes à convaincre autour de vous</strong> (ami·e·s, famille, collègues, camarades militant·e·s etc…) qui seraient susceptibles de voter pour nous.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">2. <strong>Les appeler ou leur envoyer un email ou un SMS/WhatsApp.</strong> \n Comme en tractage, la conversation est le moyen le plus efficace de les convaincre. Commencer par poser une question : “avez vous/as-tu prévu d’aller voter ? De mon côté, j’ai fait mon choix, discutons-en”.\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">3. En fonction de leur réponse, <strong>expliquez leur pourquoi vous êtes convaincu</strong> que le vote Europe Écologie est le plus utile pour l’Europe, pour nos vies. Nous vous avons préparé un message automatique que vous pouvez <a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms">leur envoyer sur WhatsApp</a>.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none">\n <p>Voici quelques arguments pour vous aider :</p>\n <ul class="list-unstyled" style="line-height: 1.5;">\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>Les ONG indépendantes sont unanimes</strong> : les écologistes sont les plus crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes au Parlement européen. Il n’y a pas que les votes qui comptent, mais aussi tout le travail de rapport, commission, etc pour lequel les député·e·s écologistes sont reconnu·e·s les plus travailleur·euse.s et engagé·e·s.\n <p class="text-center my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/4sUpsGxTRoU7ndcwohp54q/classements-ong-v2">Je découvre l’analyse des ONG</a></span></p>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>On n’élit pas qu’une tête de liste mais bien un collectif de futurs eurodéputé·es</strong> : notre liste compte des eurodéputé⸱es expérimenté·es courageux·ses et de figures engagé·es crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes sur leurs sujets de prédilection. \n C’est une de nos forces par rapport aux autres listes. Voici quelques vidéos portraits à partager largement, ou encore <a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope">la liste complète</a>.\n <div class="row my-4">\n <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-2">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6DznZV7vYlpNgCcBSIcBMM/marie-toussaint">\n Marie Toussaint\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4Ii2YvGSC1mFSzQ8znSo76/david-cormand">\n David Cormand\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/7h9MOS7ZK8QCYTuUOxL1uO/melissa-camara">\n Mélissa Camara\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/1RNfDxkUsPTOVEholJWy2f/mounir-satouri">\n Mounir Satouri\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/3CPS3b1dEPKBA2YDJMBC2E/majdouline-sbai">\n Majdouline Sbaï\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4ofDqte1bviKTIKS1EHX5O/benoit-biteau">\n Benoît Biteau\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n <div class="col-md-6">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6nFQzk7spihjkRFxZA1A12/caroline-roose">\n Caroline Roose\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6s3Fe4Ho0VziqvBZZLT6KX/priscillia-ludosky">\n Priscillia Ludosky\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4850iyRExzypVuOoRAj0S6/amine-kessaci">\n Amine Kessaci\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/ssEHAUumTvIOYEOT9wz9X/flora-ghebali">\n Flora Ghebali\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/43zvorwoFgvYwvaTvbSW7p/claude-gruffat">\n Claude Gruffat\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉\n <strong>Le programme de la liste Europe Écologie est le plus ambitieux et réaliste pour préserver et améliorer les conditions de vie en Europe</strong>:\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">\n <ul class="mt-4">\n <li>Protection du climat, de la biodiversité et bien être animal</li>\n <li>Souveraineté alimentaire</li>\n <li>Investissement dans les énergies renouvelables</li>\n <li>Revenu jeune</li>\n <li>Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités</li>\n <li>Sursaut fédéraliste</li>\n <li>Europe de la diplomatie et de la défense\n </li>\n </ul> \n <p class="my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/mesures-urgentes">Je découvre les mesures urgentes</a></span></p> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li>👉 Parce que la liste Europe Écologie constitue la seule liste <strong>pro-européenne, fédéraliste, cohérente et ambitieuse pour changer l’Europe et sauver le climat</strong> ! </li>\n </ul>\n </div> \n </div> \n </div>\n \n <div class="row mt-4">\n <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 col-md-6 offset-lg-4 offset-md-3 mb-4">\n <div class="d-flex flex-column h-100 border-black">\n <a class="card-link" href="https://wa.me/?text=Je%20viens%20de%20faire%20mon%20choix%20pour%20les%20%C3%A9lections%20europ%C3%A9ennes%20du%209%20juin%20prochain%2C%20pour%20moi%20ce%20sera%20la%20liste%20Europe%20Ecologie%2C%20men%C3%A9e%20par%20Marie%20Toussaint%2C%20celle%20qui%20d%C3%A9fend%20le%20mieux%20les%20valeurs%20d%E2%80%99Ecologie%2C%20de%20Justice%20et%20de%20Paix%20lors%20de%20ces%20%C3%A9lections%20cruciales%20pour%20notre%20avenir.%20%0A%0ATu%20veux%20en%20savoir%20plus%20sur%20leur%20programme%20%3F%20Rendez-vous%20sur%20le%20site%20ecologie2024.eu" data-sa-event-link-event="faire-procuration" title="">\n <div class="card-combat">\n <img src="https://content.citipo.com/serve/ddd80fd6-72d9-4b2f-90f4-e05781bc2b6a/website-content/f753740d-18a6-4072-ad14-8a0f63c31e6a.jpg" data-filename="arnaud-jaegers-5CoOYSxILSw-unsplash.jpg">\n <div class="p-3 card-combat-content bg-gradient-green"><h3>Je convaincs mes proches</h3></div>\n </div>\n </a>\n <div class="p-4 text-center flex-grow-1 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between">\n <div>\n <p>J'envoie un message à la liste des 10 à 40 personnes autour de moi pour les convaincre de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie.</p>\n </div>\n <span><a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms" data-sa-event-link-event="share-to-whatsapp" class="btn btn-lightgreen" target="_blank" title="">Convaincre mes proches sur WhatsApp</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n \n </section>\n </div> """ "children" => [] "categories" => [] ] "newsletter_form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#495 +vars: array:32 [ "value" => App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData {#360 +email: null +firstName: null +lastName: null +phone: null +country: "FR" +zipCode: null } "attr" => [] "form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#495} "id" => "subscribe_newsletter" "name" => "subscribe_newsletter" "full_name" => "subscribe_newsletter" "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_html" => false "multipart" => false "block_prefixes" => 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Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => false "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#441} "csrf_token_id" => null ] -normalizers: array:3 [ "validation_groups" => array:1 [ …1] "constraints" => array:1 [ …1] "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [ …1] ] -allowedValues: [] -allowedTypes: array:17 [ "block_prefix" => array:2 [ …2] "attr" => array:1 [ …1] "row_attr" => array:1 [ …1] "label_html" => array:1 [ …1] "priority" => array:1 [ …1] "form_attr" => array:2 [ …2] "label_attr" => array:1 [ …1] "action" => array:1 [ …1] "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [ …1] "help" => array:3 [ …3] "help_attr" => array:1 [ …1] "help_html" => array:1 [ …1] "is_empty_callback" => array:2 [ …2] "getter" => array:2 [ …2] "setter" => array:2 [ …2] "constraints" => array:2 [ …2] "enable_gdpr_fields" => array:1 [ …1] ] -info: array:3 [ "priority" => "The form rendering priority (higher priorities will be rendered first)" "getter" => "A callable that accepts two arguments (the view data and the current form field) and must return a value." "setter" => "A callable that accepts three arguments (a reference to the view data, the submitted value and the current form field)." ] -lazy: array:3 [ "empty_data" => array:1 [ …1] "error_bubbling" => array:1 [ …1] "upload_max_size_message" => array:1 [ …1] ] -calling: [] -deprecated: [] -given: [] -locked: false -parentsOptions: [] -prototype: null -prototypeIndex: null } } -viewTransformers: [] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper\DataMapper {#376 -dataAccessor: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\ChainAccessor {#377 -accessors: array:2 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\CallbackAccessor {#378} 1 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\PropertyPathAccessor {#379 …1} ] } } -required: true -disabled: false -errorBubbling: true -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#492 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#371 …} : { : "App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData" } : "/app/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/Core/Type/FormType.php" : "136 to 138" } -attributes: [] -data: App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData {#360} -dataClass: "App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData" -dataLocked: true -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369 -registry: Symfony\Component\Form\FormRegistry {#365 -extensions: array:1 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\DependencyInjection\DependencyInjectionExtension {#359 …5} ] -types: array:7 [ "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#381} "App\Form\SubscribeNewsletterType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#380} "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#501 -innerType: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType {#500} -typeExtensions: [] -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#381} -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#503 …17} } "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\EmailType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#502 -innerType: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\EmailType {#499} -typeExtensions: [] -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#501} -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#504 …17} } "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#546 …4} "App\Form\CountryType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#547 -innerType: App\Form\CountryType {#541} -typeExtensions: [] -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#546 …4} -optionsResolver: Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver {#555 …17} } "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" => Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#580 …4} ] -guesser: false -resolvedTypeFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormTypeFactory {#368} -checkedTypes: [] } } -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384 -serverParams: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\ServerParams {#385 -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#136} } } -autoInitialize: true -options: array:51 [ "block_name" => null "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "translation_domain" => null "auto_initialize" => true "trim" => true "required" => true "property_path" => null "mapped" => true "by_reference" => true "inherit_data" => false "compound" => true "method" => "POST" "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => false "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#441} "csrf_token_id" => null "block_prefix" => null "row_attr" => [] "label_html" => false "attr" => [] "priority" => 0 "form_attr" => false "data_class" => "App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData" "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#492} "error_bubbling" => true "label_attr" => [] "action" => "" "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#494 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#480 …} : { : Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Translation\Translator {#239} : "validators" : Closure() {#493} } : "/app/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/Validator/Type/UploadValidatorExtension.php" : "40 to 42" } "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "is_empty_callback" => null "getter" => null "setter" => null "validation_groups" => null "constraints" => [] "enable_gdpr_fields" => true "data" => App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData {#360} ] -isEmptyCallback: null -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: null -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#595 -elements: array:7 [ "email" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#596 -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#597 #locked: true -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#626 …1} -name: "email" -propertyPath: null -mapped: true -byReference: true -inheritData: false -compound: false -type: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#502} -viewTransformers: [] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: null -required: true -disabled: false -errorBubbling: false -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#506 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#371 …} : "/app/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/Core/Type/FormType.php" : "141 to 143" } -attributes: [] -data: null -dataClass: null -dataLocked: false -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369} -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384} -autoInitialize: false -options: array:49 [ "block_name" => null "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "translation_domain" => null "auto_initialize" => true "trim" => true "property_path" => null "mapped" => true "by_reference" => true "inherit_data" => false "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "Please enter a valid email address." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => true "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#441} "csrf_token_id" => null "block_prefix" => null "row_attr" => [] "label_html" => false "attr" => [] "priority" => 0 "form_attr" => false "data_class" => null "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#506} "required" => true "error_bubbling" => false "label_attr" => [] "action" => "" "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#508 …5} "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "is_empty_callback" => null "getter" => null "setter" => null "validation_groups" => null "constraints" => [] ] -isEmptyCallback: null -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#593} -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#598 -elements: [] -orderedKeys: [] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: null -normData: null -viewData: "" -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "email" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath {#624 -elements: array:1 [ 0 => "email" ] -length: 1 -isIndex: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -isNullSafe: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -pathAsString: "email" } } "firstName" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#599 -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#600 #locked: true -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#629 …1} -name: "firstName" -propertyPath: null -mapped: true -byReference: true -inheritData: false -compound: false -type: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#501} -viewTransformers: [] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: null -required: false -disabled: false -errorBubbling: false -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#515 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#371 …} : "/app/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/Core/Type/FormType.php" : "141 to 143" } -attributes: [] -data: null -dataClass: null -dataLocked: false -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369} -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384} -autoInitialize: false -options: array:49 [ "block_name" => null "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "translation_domain" => null "auto_initialize" => true "trim" => true "property_path" => null "mapped" => true "by_reference" => true "inherit_data" => false "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => true "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#441} "csrf_token_id" => null "block_prefix" => null "row_attr" => [] "label_html" => false "attr" => [] "priority" => 0 "form_attr" => false "data_class" => null "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#515} "required" => false "error_bubbling" => false "label_attr" => [] "action" => "" "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#517 …5} "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "is_empty_callback" => null "getter" => null "setter" => null "validation_groups" => null "constraints" => [] ] -isEmptyCallback: null -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#593} -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#601 -elements: [] -orderedKeys: [] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: null -normData: null -viewData: "" -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "firstName" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath {#627 -elements: array:1 [ 0 => "firstName" ] -length: 1 -isIndex: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -isNullSafe: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -pathAsString: "firstName" } } "lastName" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#602 -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#603 #locked: true -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#632 …1} -name: "lastName" -propertyPath: null -mapped: true -byReference: true -inheritData: false -compound: false -type: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#501} -viewTransformers: [] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: null -required: false -disabled: false -errorBubbling: false -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#524 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#371 …} : "/app/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/Core/Type/FormType.php" : "141 to 143" } -attributes: [] -data: null -dataClass: null -dataLocked: false -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369} -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384} -autoInitialize: false -options: array:49 [ "block_name" => null "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "translation_domain" => null "auto_initialize" => true "trim" => true "property_path" => null "mapped" => true "by_reference" => true "inherit_data" => false "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => true "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#441} "csrf_token_id" => null "block_prefix" => null "row_attr" => [] "label_html" => false "attr" => [] "priority" => 0 "form_attr" => false "data_class" => null "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#524} "required" => false "error_bubbling" => false "label_attr" => [] "action" => "" "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#526 …5} "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "is_empty_callback" => null "getter" => null "setter" => null "validation_groups" => null "constraints" => [] ] -isEmptyCallback: null -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#593} -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#604 -elements: [] -orderedKeys: [] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: null -normData: null -viewData: "" -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "lastName" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath {#630 -elements: array:1 [ 0 => "lastName" ] -length: 1 -isIndex: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -isNullSafe: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -pathAsString: "lastName" } } "phone" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#605 -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#606 #locked: true -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#635 …1} -name: "phone" -propertyPath: null -mapped: true -byReference: true -inheritData: false -compound: false -type: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#501} -viewTransformers: [] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: null -required: false -disabled: false -errorBubbling: false -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#533 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#371 …} : "/app/vendor/symfony/form/Extension/Core/Type/FormType.php" : "141 to 143" } -attributes: [] -data: null -dataClass: null -dataLocked: false -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369} -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384} -autoInitialize: false -options: array:49 [ "block_name" => null "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "translation_domain" => null "auto_initialize" => true "trim" => true "property_path" => null "mapped" => true "by_reference" => true "inherit_data" => false "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "This value is not valid." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => true "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#441} "csrf_token_id" => null "block_prefix" => null "row_attr" => [] "label_html" => false "attr" => [] "priority" => 0 "form_attr" => false "data_class" => null "empty_data" => Closure(FormInterface $form) {#533} "required" => false "error_bubbling" => false "label_attr" => [] "action" => "" "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#535 …5} "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "is_empty_callback" => null "getter" => null "setter" => null "validation_groups" => null "constraints" => [] ] -isEmptyCallback: null -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#593} -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#607 -elements: [] -orderedKeys: [] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: null -normData: null -viewData: "" -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "phone" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath {#633 -elements: array:1 [ 0 => "phone" ] -length: 1 -isIndex: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -isNullSafe: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -pathAsString: "phone" } } "country" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#608 -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#609 #locked: true -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#638 …1} -name: "country" -propertyPath: null -mapped: true -byReference: true -inheritData: false -compound: false -type: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#547} -viewTransformers: array:1 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataTransformer\ChoiceToValueTransformer {#568 …1} ] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: null -required: false -disabled: false -errorBubbling: false -emptyData: "" -attributes: array:1 [ "choice_list" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ArrayChoiceList {#566 …4} ] -data: null -dataClass: null -dataLocked: false -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369} -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384} -autoInitialize: false -options: array:63 [ "block_name" => null "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "translation_domain" => null "auto_initialize" => true "trim" => false "property_path" => null "mapped" => true "by_reference" => true "inherit_data" => false "method" => "POST" "post_max_size_message" => "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." "allow_file_upload" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "invalid_message" => "The selected choice is invalid." "invalid_message_parameters" => [] "error_mapping" => [] "allow_extra_fields" => false "extra_fields_message" => "This form should not contain extra fields." "csrf_protection" => true "csrf_field_name" => "_token" "csrf_message" => "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." "csrf_token_manager" => Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#441} "csrf_token_id" => null "multiple" => false "expanded" => false "block_prefix" => null "row_attr" => [] "label_html" => false "attr" => array:1 [ …1] "priority" => 0 "form_attr" => false "data_class" => null "empty_data" => "" "required" => false "error_bubbling" => false "label_attr" => [] "compound" => false "action" => "" "upload_max_size_message" => Closure() {#561 …5} "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "is_empty_callback" => null "getter" => null "setter" => null "validation_groups" => null "constraints" => [] "choices" => array:2 [ …2] "choice_filter" => null "choice_loader" => null "choice_label" => null "choice_name" => null "choice_value" => null "choice_attr" => null "choice_translation_parameters" => [] "preferred_choices" => [] "group_by" => null "placeholder" => "" "choice_translation_domain" => false ] -isEmptyCallback: null -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#593} -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#610 -elements: [] -orderedKeys: [] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: "FR" -normData: "FR" -viewData: "FR" -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "country" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath {#636 -elements: array:1 [ 0 => "country" ] -length: 1 -isIndex: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -isNullSafe: array:1 [ 0 => false ] -pathAsString: "country" } } "zipCode" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#611 -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#612 #locked: true -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#641} -name: "zipCode" -propertyPath: null -mapped: true -byReference: true -inheritData: false -compound: false -type: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#501} -viewTransformers: [] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: null -required: false -disabled: false -errorBubbling: false -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form) {#571 …4} -attributes: [] -data: null -dataClass: null -dataLocked: false -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369} -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384} -autoInitialize: false -options: array:49 [ …49] -isEmptyCallback: null -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#593} -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#613 -elements: [] -orderedKeys: [] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: null -normData: null -viewData: "" -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "zipCode" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath {#639 -elements: array:1 [ …1] -length: 1 -isIndex: array:1 [ …1] -isNullSafe: array:1 [ …1] -pathAsString: "zipCode" } } "acceptPolicy" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#614 -config: Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder {#615 #locked: true -dispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\ImmutableEventDispatcher {#642} -name: "acceptPolicy" -propertyPath: null -mapped: false -byReference: true -inheritData: false -compound: false -type: Symfony\Component\Form\ResolvedFormType {#580 …4} -viewTransformers: array:1 [ …1] -modelTransformers: [] -dataMapper: null -required: true -disabled: false -errorBubbling: false -emptyData: Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#582 …4} -attributes: [] -data: false -dataClass: null -dataLocked: false -formFactory: Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactory {#369} -action: "" -method: "POST" -requestHandler: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler {#384} -autoInitialize: false -options: array:51 [ …51] -isEmptyCallback: Closure($modelData): bool {#583 …4} -children: [] -unresolvedChildren: [] } -parent: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#593} -children: Symfony\Component\Form\Util\OrderedHashMap {#616 -elements: [] -orderedKeys: [] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: false -normData: false -viewData: null -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "acceptPolicy" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: null } ] -orderedKeys: array:7 [ 0 => "email" 1 => "firstName" 2 => "lastName" 3 => "phone" 4 => "country" 5 => "zipCode" 6 => "acceptPolicy" ] -managedCursors: [] } -errors: [] -submitted: false -clickedButton: null -modelData: App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData {#360} -normData: App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData {#360} -viewData: App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData {#360} -extraData: [] -transformationFailure: null -defaultDataSet: true -lockSetData: false -name: "subscribe_newsletter" -inheritData: false -propertyPath: null } -errors: [] } "valid" => true "data" => App\Form\Model\SubscribeNewsletterData {#360} "required" => true "label_attr" => [] "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "compound" => true "method" => "POST" "action" => "" "submitted" => false ] +parent: null +children: array:7 [ "email" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#536 +vars: array:32 [ "value" => "" "attr" => [] "form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#536} "id" => "subscribe_newsletter_email" "name" => "email" "full_name" => "subscribe_newsletter[email]" "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_html" => false "multipart" => false "block_prefixes" => array:4 [ 0 => "form" 1 => "text" 2 => "email" 3 => "_subscribe_newsletter_email" ] "unique_block_prefix" => "_subscribe_newsletter_email" "row_attr" => [] "translation_domain" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "priority" => 0 "cache_key" => "_subscribe_newsletter_email_email" "errors" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#527 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#596} -errors: [] } "valid" => true "data" => null "required" => true "label_attr" => [] "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "action" => "" "submitted" => false ] +parent: Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#495} +children: [] -rendered: false -methodRendered: false } "firstName" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#509 +vars: array:32 [ "value" => "" "attr" => [] "form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#509} "id" => "subscribe_newsletter_firstName" "name" => "firstName" "full_name" => "subscribe_newsletter[firstName]" "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_html" => false "multipart" => false "block_prefixes" => array:3 [ 0 => "form" 1 => "text" 2 => "_subscribe_newsletter_firstName" ] "unique_block_prefix" => "_subscribe_newsletter_firstName" "row_attr" => [] "translation_domain" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "priority" => 0 "cache_key" => "_subscribe_newsletter_firstName_text" "errors" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#518 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#599} -errors: [] } "valid" => true "data" => null "required" => false "label_attr" => [] "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "action" => "" "submitted" => false ] +parent: Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#495} +children: [] -rendered: false -methodRendered: false } "lastName" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#619 +vars: array:32 [ "value" => "" "attr" => [] "form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#619} "id" => "subscribe_newsletter_lastName" "name" => "lastName" "full_name" => "subscribe_newsletter[lastName]" "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_html" => false "multipart" => false "block_prefixes" => array:3 [ 0 => "form" 1 => "text" 2 => "_subscribe_newsletter_lastName" ] "unique_block_prefix" => "_subscribe_newsletter_lastName" "row_attr" => [] "translation_domain" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "priority" => 0 "cache_key" => "_subscribe_newsletter_lastName_text" "errors" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#618 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#602} -errors: [] } "valid" => true "data" => null "required" => false "label_attr" => [] "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "action" => "" "submitted" => false ] +parent: Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#495} +children: [] -rendered: false -methodRendered: false } "phone" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#621 +vars: array:32 [ "value" => "" "attr" => [] "form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#621} "id" => "subscribe_newsletter_phone" "name" => "phone" "full_name" => "subscribe_newsletter[phone]" "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_html" => false "multipart" => false "block_prefixes" => array:3 [ 0 => "form" 1 => "text" 2 => "_subscribe_newsletter_phone" ] "unique_block_prefix" => "_subscribe_newsletter_phone" "row_attr" => [] "translation_domain" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "priority" => 0 "cache_key" => "_subscribe_newsletter_phone_text" "errors" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#620 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#605} -errors: [] } "valid" => true "data" => null "required" => false "label_attr" => [] "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "action" => "" "submitted" => false ] +parent: Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#495} +children: [] -rendered: false -methodRendered: false } "country" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#623 +vars: array:42 [ "value" => "FR" "attr" => array:1 [ "data-controller" => "country-select" ] "form" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#623} "id" => "subscribe_newsletter_country" "name" => "country" "full_name" => "subscribe_newsletter[country]" "disabled" => false "label" => null "label_format" => null "label_html" => false "multipart" => false "block_prefixes" => array:4 [ 0 => "form" 1 => "choice" 2 => "country" 3 => "_subscribe_newsletter_country" ] "unique_block_prefix" => "_subscribe_newsletter_country" "row_attr" => [] "translation_domain" => null "label_translation_parameters" => [] "attr_translation_parameters" => [] "priority" => 0 "cache_key" => "_subscribe_newsletter_country_country" "errors" => Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#622 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#608} -errors: [] } "valid" => true "data" => "FR" "required" => false "label_attr" => [] "help" => null "help_attr" => [] "help_html" => false "help_translation_parameters" => [] "compound" => false "method" => "POST" "action" => "" "submitted" => false "multiple" => false "expanded" => false "preferred_choices" => [] "choices" => array:2 [ "Europe" => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView {#672 +label: "Europe" +choices: array:29 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#643 +label: "AT" +value: "AT" +data: "AT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 1 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#644 +label: "BE" +value: "BE" +data: "BE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 2 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#645 +label: "BG" +value: "BG" +data: "BG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 3 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#646 +label: "CY" +value: "CY" +data: "CY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 4 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#647 +label: "CZ" +value: "CZ" +data: "CZ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 5 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#648 +label: "DE" +value: "DE" +data: "DE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 6 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#649 +label: "DK" +value: "DK" +data: "DK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 7 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#650 +label: "EE" +value: "EE" +data: "EE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 8 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#651 +label: "ES" +value: "ES" +data: "ES" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 9 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#652 +label: "FI" +value: "FI" +data: "FI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 10 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#653 +label: "FR" +value: "FR" +data: "FR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 11 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#654 +label: "GB" +value: "GB" +data: "GB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 12 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#655 +label: "GR" +value: "GR" +data: "GR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 13 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#656 +label: "HR" +value: "HR" +data: "HR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 14 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#657 +label: "HU" +value: "HU" +data: "HU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 15 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#658 +label: "IE" +value: "IE" +data: "IE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 16 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#659 +label: "IT" +value: "IT" +data: "IT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 17 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#660 +label: "LT" +value: "LT" +data: "LT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 18 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#661 +label: "LU" +value: "LU" +data: "LU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 19 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#662 +label: "LV" +value: "LV" +data: "LV" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 20 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#663 +label: "MT" +value: "MT" +data: "MT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 21 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#664 +label: "NL" +value: "NL" +data: "NL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 22 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#665 +label: "NO" +value: "NO" +data: "NO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 23 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#666 +label: "PL" +value: "PL" +data: "PL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 24 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#667 +label: "PT" +value: "PT" +data: "PT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 25 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#668 +label: "RO" +value: "RO" +data: "RO" +attr: [] 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174 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#818 …5} 175 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#819 …5} 176 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#820 …5} 177 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#821 …5} 178 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#822 …5} 179 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#823 …5} 180 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#824 …5} 181 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#825 …5} 182 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#826 …5} 183 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#827 …5} 184 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#828 …5} 185 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#829 …5} 186 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#830 …5} 187 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#831 …5} 188 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#832 …5} 189 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#833 …5} 190 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#834 …5} 191 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#835 …5} 192 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#836 …5} 193 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#837 …5} 194 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#838 …5} 195 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#839 …5} 196 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#840 …5} 197 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#841 …5} 198 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#842 …5} 199 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#843 …5} 200 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#844 …5} 201 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#845 …5} 202 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#846 …5} 203 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView 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Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#862 …5} 219 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#863 …5} 220 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#864 …5} 221 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#865 …5} 222 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#866 …5} 223 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#867 …5} 224 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#868 …5} 225 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#869 …5} 226 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#870 …5} 227 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#871 …5} 228 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#872 …5} 229 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#873 …5} 230 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#874 …5} 231 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#875 …5} 232 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#876 …5} 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Bienvenue sur notre plateforme de mise en relation." "mainImage" => "https://content.citipo.com/serve/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399/project-home-main/a0fe3abb-7395-425e-ae57-7419156bc8de.jpg" "mainVideo" => null "introPosition" => "right" "introOverlay" => true "introTitle" => "Le 30 juin et le 7 juillet <br/> je fais ou porte une procuration" "introContent" => null "animateElements" => false "animateLinks" => true "terminology" => array:10 [ "posts" => "Actualités" "events" => "Événements" "trombinoscope" => "Notre équipe" "manifesto" => "Nos propositions" "newsletter" => "Recevoir la newsletter" "acceptPrivacy" => "Je consens au traitement de mes données et accepte la Politique de protection des données" "socialNetworks" => "Réseaux sociaux" "membershipLogin" => "Se connecter" "membershipRegister" => "S'inscrire" "membershipArea" => "Mon espace membre" ] "theme" => array:17 [ "head.html.twig" => """ <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com">\n <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" 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data-turbo="optional">\r\n {{ current_project.terminology.membershipArea }}\r\n </a>\r\n </li>\r\n <li>\r\n <a href="{{ membership.account_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\r\n {{ membership.account_label }}\r\n </a>\r\n </li>\r\n <li>\r\n <a href="{{ membership.logout_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\r\n {{ membership.logout_label }}\r\n </a>\r\n </li>\r\n </ul>\r\n </div>\r\n </li>\r\n {% endif %}\r\n </ul>\r\n </nav>\r\n </div>\r\n \r\n {# Mobile menu #}\r\n <div class="d-lg-none col-12" style="display: none;" data-mobile-menu-target="menu">\r\n <nav class="menu">\r\n <ul class="header-mobile">\r\n {% for item in current_project.header %}\r\n <li>\r\n <a href="{{ item.url }}" {% if item.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" {% endif %}>\r\n {{ item.label }}\r\n </a>\r\n \r\n {% if item.children|length > 0 %}\r\n <div class="header-mobile-submenu">\r\n <ul>\r\n {% for child in item.children %}\r\n <li>\r\n <a href="{{ child.url }}" {% if child.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" {%\r\n endif %}>\r\n {{ child.label }}\r\n </a>\r\n </li>\r\n {% endfor %}\r\n </ul>\r\n </div>\r\n {% endif %}\r\n </li>\r\n {% endfor %}\r\n </ul>\r\n </nav>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </header>\r\n """ "footer.html.twig" => """ <footer class="mt-5" role="contentinfo">\n <div class="section-container">\n <div class="content-wrapper">\n <div class="content-row">\n <a href="https://lesecologistes.fr" target="_blank" class="logo" data-turbo="optional">\n {# <a href="{{ homepage_url }}" class="logo" data-turbo="optional"> #}\n {% if current_project.logoDark %}\n <img src="{{ current_project.logoDark }}" alt="Les écologistes" width="800" height="339" loading="lazy" />\n {% else %}\n Accueil\n {% endif %}\n </a>\n <div class="social-icons">\n {% if current_project.socials.facebook %}\n <a href="{{ current_project.socials.facebook }}" target="_blank">\n <svg fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--> <path d="M64 32C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h98.2V334.2H109.4V256h52.8V222.3c0-87.1 39.4-127.5 125-127.5c16.2 0 44.2 3.2 55.7 6.4V172c-6-.6-16.5-1-29.6-1c-42 0-58.2 15.9-58.2 57.2V256h83.6l-14.4 78.2H255V480H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H64z" /> </svg>\n <span class="sr-only">Facebook</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n {% if current_project.socials.twitter %}\n <a href="{{ current_project.socials.twitter }}" target="_blank">\n <svg fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--> <path d="M64 32C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H64zm297.1 84L257.3 234.6 379.4 396H283.8L209 298.1 123.3 396H75.8l111-126.9L69.7 116h98l67.7 89.5L313.6 116h47.5zM323.3 367.6L153.4 142.9H125.1L296.9 367.6h26.3z" /> </svg>\n <span class="sr-only">X (ex-Twitter)</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n {% if current_project.socials.instagram %}\n <a href="{{ current_project.socials.instagram }}" target="_blank">\n <svg fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--> <path d="M194.4 211.7a53.3 53.3 0 1 0 59.3 88.7 53.3 53.3 0 1 0 -59.3-88.7zm142.3-68.4c-5.2-5.2-11.5-9.3-18.4-12c-18.1-7.1-57.6-6.8-83.1-6.5c-4.1 0-7.9 .1-11.2 .1c-3.3 0-7.2 0-11.4-.1c-25.5-.3-64.8-.7-82.9 6.5c-6.9 2.7-13.1 6.8-18.4 12s-9.3 11.5-12 18.4c-7.1 18.1-6.7 57.7-6.5 83.2c0 4.1 .1 7.9 .1 11.1s0 7-.1 11.1c-.2 25.5-.6 65.1 6.5 83.2c2.7 6.9 6.8 13.1 12 18.4s11.5 9.3 18.4 12c18.1 7.1 57.6 6.8 83.1 6.5c4.1 0 7.9-.1 11.2-.1c3.3 0 7.2 0 11.4 .1c25.5 .3 64.8 .7 82.9-6.5c6.9-2.7 13.1-6.8 18.4-12s9.3-11.5 12-18.4c7.2-18 6.8-57.4 6.5-83c0-4.2-.1-8.1-.1-11.4s0-7.1 .1-11.4c.3-25.5 .7-64.9-6.5-83l0 0c-2.7-6.9-6.8-13.1-12-18.4zm-67.1 44.5A82 82 0 1 1 178.4 324.2a82 82 0 1 1 91.1-136.4zm29.2-1.3c-3.1-2.1-5.6-5.1-7.1-8.6s-1.8-7.3-1.1-11.1s2.6-7.1 5.2-9.8s6.1-4.5 9.8-5.2s7.6-.4 11.1 1.1s6.5 3.9 8.6 7s3.2 6.8 3.2 10.6c0 2.5-.5 5-1.4 7.3s-2.4 4.4-4.1 6.2s-3.9 3.2-6.2 4.2s-4.8 1.5-7.3 1.5l0 0c-3.8 0-7.5-1.1-10.6-3.2zM448 96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96zM357 389c-18.7 18.7-41.4 24.6-67 25.9c-26.4 1.5-105.6 1.5-132 0c-25.6-1.3-48.3-7.2-67-25.9s-24.6-41.4-25.8-67c-1.5-26.4-1.5-105.6 0-132c1.3-25.6 7.1-48.3 25.8-67s41.5-24.6 67-25.8c26.4-1.5 105.6-1.5 132 0c25.6 1.3 48.3 7.1 67 25.8s24.6 41.4 25.8 67c1.5 26.3 1.5 105.4 0 131.9c-1.3 25.6-7.1 48.3-25.8 67z" /> </svg>\n <span class="sr-only">Instagram</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n {% if current_project.socials.youtube %}\n <a href="{{ current_project.socials.youtube }}" target="_blank">\n <svg fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--> <path d="M282 256.2l-95.2-54.1V310.3L282 256.2zM384 32H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zm14.4 136.1c7.6 28.6 7.6 88.2 7.6 88.2s0 59.6-7.6 88.1c-4.2 15.8-16.5 27.7-32.2 31.9C337.9 384 224 384 224 384s-113.9 0-142.2-7.6c-15.7-4.2-28-16.1-32.2-31.9C42 315.9 42 256.3 42 256.3s0-59.7 7.6-88.2c4.2-15.8 16.5-28.2 32.2-32.4C110.1 128 224 128 224 128s113.9 0 142.2 7.7c15.7 4.2 28 16.6 32.2 32.4z" /> </svg>\n <span class="sr-only">Youtube</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="links-wrapper">\n {% if current_project.footer | length > 0 %}\n <ul class="links">\n {% for item in current_project.footer %}\n <li>\n <a href="{{ item.url 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rejoindre</a>\n </li>\n </ul> #}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </footer>\n """ "list.html.twig" => """ {% if section_name == 'Actualités' %}\n <div class="container">\n <h1 class="text-center py-4 py-md-5 text-uppercase fs-md-50">\n {{ section_name }}\n </h1>\n <div class="list-actus">\n {% if categories|default([])|length > 0 %}\n <div class="list-actus-categories pb-4 pb-md-5">\n <h4 class="list-actus-categories-title">\n Filtrer\n </h4>\n <div class="list-actus-categories-items">\n {% for category in categories %}\n <div class="list-actus-categories-item">\n <a href="{{ category.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="list-actus-categories-item-link {{ category.isActive ? 'list-actus-categories-item-link-active' }}">\n {{ category.name }}\n </a>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n <div class="list-actus-items">\n {% for item in items %}\n <a href="{{ item.url }}" data-turbo="optional" class="streched-link list-items-item-link">\n <div class="list-actu-item" style="background-image: url('{{ item.image|default(default_list_image) }}');">\n {% if item.categories is not empty %}\n {% for categoryName, categoryPath in item.categories %}\n <div class="list-actu-item-category"> {{ categoryName }}</div>\n {% endfor %}\n {% endif %}\n <div class="list-actu-item-content">\n <div class="item-date">\n <span class="item-date-day">{{ item.date|slice(0, 2) }}</span>\n <span class="item-date-month">{{ item.date|slice(3, -5) }}</span>\n </div>\n <div class="item-title">{{ item.title }}</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </a>\n {% else %}\n <div class="list-actus-item-none">\n {{ no_items_message }}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="list-items-pagination">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-6">\n {% if previous %}\n <a href="{{ previous }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-pink">\n <i class="fal fa-angle-left"></i>\n <span class="ml-1">{{ 'base.pagination.previous'|trans }}</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-6 text-right">\n {% if next %}\n <a href="{{ next }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-pink">\n <span class="mr-1">{{ 'base.pagination.next'|trans }}</span>\n <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% else %}\n \n <div class="splash" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="container">\n <h1 class="splash-title">\n {{ section_name }}\n </h1>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="list" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="list-view">\n <div class="list-items">\n {% for item in items %}\n <div class="zoom-hover">\n <div class="list-items-item box-offset">\n <a href="{{ item.url }}" data-turbo="optional" class="streched-link list-items-item-link">\n <div class="list-items-item-box">\n <div class="row align-items-center">\n <div class="col-md-7 mb-3 mb-md-0">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ item.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n {% if item.date %}\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ item.date }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n \n {{ item.description }}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-5">\n {% if item.video|default(null) and item.video[0] == 'youtube' %}\n <div class="list-items-item-video"\n style="background-image: url('https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/{{ item.video[1] }}/hqdefault.jpg')">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-icon"\n style="background: url('{{ play_icon }}') 50% 50% no-repeat transparent">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-inner" style="width: 1110px; height: 705px"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <img src="{{ item.image|default(default_list_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <div class="list-items-none">\n {{ no_items_message }}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n \n <div class="list-items-pagination" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-6">\n {% if previous %}\n <a href="{{ previous }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-secondary">\n <i class="fal fa-angle-left"></i>\n <span class="ml-1">{{ 'base.pagination.previous'|trans }}</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-6 text-right">\n {% if next %}\n <a href="{{ next }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-secondary">\n <span class="mr-1">{{ 'base.pagination.next'|trans }}</span>\n <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% if categories|default([])|length > 0 %}\n <div class="list-categories" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <h4 class="list-categories-title">\n {{ 'base.categories'|trans }}\n </h4>\n \n <div class="list-categories-items">\n {% for category in categories %}\n <div class="list-categories-item">\n <a href="{{ category.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="list-categories-item-link {{ category.isActive ? 'list-categories-item-link-active' }}">\n {{ category.name }}\n </a>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% endif %}\n """ "content.html.twig" => """ <div class="splash p-0 d-none" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="row no-gutters align-items-center">\n <div class="{% if video|default(null) or image|default(null) %}col-lg-6{% else %}col-lg-12{% endif %}">\n <div class="p-4">\n {% if section_name|default(null) %}\n <h3 class="splash-section mb-3">\n {% if section_url|default(null) %}\n <a href="{{ section_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\n {{ section_name }}\n </a>\n {% else %}\n {{ section_name }}\n {% endif %}\n </h3>\n {% endif %}\n \n <h1 class="splash-title">\n {{ title }}\n </h1>\n \n {% if social_sharers|default(null) %}\n <div class="splash-socials mt-3">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% if video|default(null) or image|default(null) %}\n <div class="col-lg-6">\n {% if video|default(null) %}\n {% if 'youtube' == video[0] %}\n <div class="splash-video"\n style="background-image: url('https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/{{ video[1] }}/hqdefault.jpg')">\n <iframe width="1110" height="705" frameborder="0"\n src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{{ video[1] }}"\n allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"\n allowfullscreen></iframe>\n </div>\n {% elseif 'facebook' == video[0] %}\n <div class="splash-video">\n <iframe width="1110" height="705" frameborder="0"\n src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v={{ video[1] }}&show_text=false"\n allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"\n allowfullscreen></iframe>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n {% else %}\n <svg class="content-diagonal d-none d-lg-block"\n viewBox="0 0 51 506" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\n <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M-651 0H51L0.574646 506H-651V0Z" />\n </svg>\n \n <img src="{{ image }}" class="img-fluid">\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="content mt-2 mt-lg-5">\n <div class="section-pages" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n {{ content|raw }}\n </div>\n \n {% if more|default([])|length > 0 %}\n <div class="content-more" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="row justify-content-center">\n {% for other in more|default([]) %}\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">\n <div class="zoom-hover">\n <div class="content-more-item box-offset">\n <div class="content-more-item-thumbnail">\n {% if other.video|default(null) %}\n <div class="list-items-item-video"\n style="background-image: url('https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/{{ other.video[1] }}/hqdefault.jpg')">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-icon"\n style="background: url('{{ play_icon }}') 50% 50% no-repeat transparent">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-inner" style="width: 1110px; height: 705px"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <img src="{{ other.image|default(default_list_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n <a href="{{ other.url }}" class="stretched-link list-items-item-link" data-turbo="optional">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ other.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n </a>\n \n {% if other.date|default(null) %}\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ other.date }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n {{ other.description }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n {{ citipo_dump(_context) }} """ "home.html.twig" => """ <div data-domain="{{ current_project.domain }}" data-uuid="{{ current_project.uuid }}">\n <div class="section-container">\n <img style="max-width: 100%;" alt="{{ jumbo_title | raw }}" title="{{ jumbo_title | raw }}" src="{{jumbo_image|default(citipo_theme_asset_url('https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/2oqpEgMJ0FeVuIVQMDbiWK/banniere-jevoteecolo.jpg'))}}">\n </div>\n \n <div class="section-container">\n {{ blocks[0].content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-calls-to-action.html.twig" => """ <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-cta" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n {% if primary.label %}\n <a href="{{ primary.target }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="home-blocks-block-cta-button home-blocks-block-cta-primary"\n data-controller="citipo-customevent"\n data-citipo-customevent-event-value="home-cta-secondary-click"\n data-action="citipo-customevent#trigger"\n {% if primary.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"{% endif %}>\n {{ primary.label }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if secondary.label %}\n <a href="{{ secondary.target }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="home-blocks-block-cta-button home-blocks-block-cta-secondary"\n data-controller="citipo-customevent"\n data-citipo-customevent-event-value="home-cta-secondary-click"\n data-action="citipo-customevent#trigger"\n {% if secondary.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"{% endif %}>\n {{ secondary.label }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n """ "home-custom-content.html.twig" => """ <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-custom-content user-content home-blocks-block-{{ key }} mb-0">\n {{ content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-newsletter.html.twig" => """ <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-newsletter box-offset">\n <div class="row no-gutters">\n <div class="col-lg">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-newsletter-form">\n <h5 class="home-blocks-block-newsletter-title">\n {{ newsletter_title }}\n </h5>\n \n {{ newsletter_form|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg home-blocks-block-newsletter-image"\n {% if main_image %}style="background-image: url('{{ main_image }}');"{% endif %}>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="container mt-5 mb-5 home-blocks-newsletter">\n <div class="box-offset border-0 bg-primary text-white">\n </div>\n \n <div class="form-legalities p-3">\n {{ legalities }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-posts.html.twig" => """ <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-posts">\n <h3 class="home-blocks-block-title" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <span>{{ posts_title }}</span>\n </h3>\n \n {% if posts|length > 0 %}\n {% for columnKey, column in posts|batch(3) %}\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-row home-blocks-block-posts-row-{{ columnKey }}">\n {% for itemKey, post in column %}\n <div class="zoom-hover home-blocks-block-posts-item-{{ columnKey * 3 + itemKey }}">\n <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item box-offset">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-thumbnail">\n {% if post.videoImage|default(null) %}\n <div class="list-items-item-video"\n style="background-image: url('{{ post.videoImage }}')">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-icon"\n style="background: url('{{ play_image }}') 50% 50% no-repeat transparent">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-inner" style="width: 1110px; height: 705px"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <img src="{{ post.image|default(default_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-text">\n <a href="{{ post.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="stretched-link list-items-item-link">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ post.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n </a>\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ post.publishedAt }}\n </div>\n \n {{ post.description }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n {% else %}\n <div class="text-center text-muted" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n """ "home-events.html.twig" => """ <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-posts">\n <h3 class="home-blocks-block-title">\n {{ events_title }}\n </h3>\n \n {% if events|length > 0 %}\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-row">\n {% for key, event in events %}\n <div class="zoom-hover">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item home-blocks-block-posts-item-{{ key }} home-blocks-block-posts-row-{{ (key / 3)|round(0, 'floor') }} box-offset">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-thumbnail">\n <img src="{{ event.image|default(default_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n </div>\n \n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-text">\n <a href="{{ event.url }}" data-turbo="optional" class="stretched-link list-items-item-link">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ event.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n </a>\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ event.beginAt }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <div class="text-center text-muted">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-socials.html.twig" => """ {% if facebook_url or twitter_url %}\n <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-socials">\n <h3 class="home-blocks-block-title">\n {{ socials_title }}\n </h3>\n \n <div class="row justify-content-center justify-content-lg-between">\n {% if facebook_url %}\n <div class="col-lg-6 home-blocks-block-socials-facebook">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-socials-block" {{ stimulus_controller('embed-consent', {\n 'type': 'facebook-timeline',\n 'url': facebook_url,\n 'titleLabel': titleLabel,\n 'descriptionLabel': descriptionLabel,\n 'acceptLabel': acceptLabel,\n 'externalLabel': externalLabel,\n 'cancelLabel': cancelLabel,\n }) }}>\n <div class="p-3">\n <a href="{{ facebook_url }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fa fa-external-link mr-1"></i>\n {{ facebook_url }}\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if twitter_url %}\n <div class="col-lg-6 home-blocks-block-socials-twitter">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-socials-block" {{ stimulus_controller('embed-consent', {\n 'type': 'twitter-timeline',\n 'url': twitter_url,\n 'titleLabel': titleLabel,\n 'descriptionLabel': descriptionLabel,\n 'acceptLabel': acceptLabel,\n 'externalLabel': externalLabel,\n 'cancelLabel': cancelLabel,\n }) }}>\n <div class="p-3">\n <a href="{{ twitter_url }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fa fa-external-link mr-1"></i>\n {{ twitter_url }}\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n """ "manifesto-list.html.twig" => """ <div class="manifesto manifesto-topics" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <h1 class="manifesto-topics-title">\n {{ manifesto_title }}\n </h1>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topics-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topics-list">\n <div class="row justify-content-center">\n {% for topic in manifesto %}\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <a href="{{ topic.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="manifesto-topics-list-item"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.color }};">\n <div class="manifesto-topics-list-item-image"\n {% if topic.image %}style="background-image: url('{{ topic.image }}')"{% endif %}></div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topics-list-item-title">{{ topic.title }}</div>\n </a>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <div class="col-12">\n <div class="manifesto-topics-list-none">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "manifesto-view.html.twig" => """ <div class="manifesto manifesto-topic" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="manifesto-topic-section">\n <a href="{{ manifesto_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\n {{ manifesto_title }}\n </a>\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-nav">\n <div class="row align-items-center">\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2">\n {% if topic.previous %}\n <a href="{{ topic.previous.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.previous.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.previous.color }};">\n ⟵ {{ topic.previous.title }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2 text-right">\n {% if topic.next %}\n <a href="{{ topic.next.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.next.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.next.color }};">\n {{ topic.next.title }} ⟶\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-header"\n style="background-image: url('{{ topic.image|default(default_image) }}')">\n <div class="manifesto-topic-header-overlay">\n <div>\n <h1 class="manifesto-topic-header-title">\n {{ topic.title }}\n </h1>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-header-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-proposals"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.color }};">\n {% for key, proposal in topic.proposals %}\n <div class="manifesto-topic-proposal">\n <h3 class="manifesto-topic-proposal-title">\n <span class="manifesto-topic-proposal-number">{{ key + 1 }}.</span>\n {{ proposal.title }}\n </h3>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-proposal-content user-content py-2 px-0 px-lg-5 mb-5">\n {{ proposal.content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "trombinoscope-list.html.twig" => """ <div class="trombinoscope trombinoscope-persons" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <h1 class="trombinoscope-persons-title">\n Nos 15 premiers candidats<br>\n <span class="trombinoscope-persons-title-sub">pour les élections européennes 2024</span>\n </h1>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid">\n {% for key, person in trombinoscope %}\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item">\n <img src="{{ person.image }}" alt="{{ person.fullName }}" class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-img">\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-content">\n {# <h3 class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-name">\n <strong>\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </strong>\n </h3> #}\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-description">\n {{ person.content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {# <a href="{{ person.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item"\n {% if person.image %}style="background-image: url('{{ person.image }}');"{% endif %}>\n <h3 class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-name">\n <strong>\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </strong>\n </h3>\n </a> #}\n {% else %}\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-none">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "trombinoscope-view.html.twig" => """ <div class="trombinoscope trombinoscope-person" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="trombinoscope-person-section">\n <a href="{{ trombinoscope_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\n {{ trombinoscope_title }}\n </a>\n </div>\n \n <h1 class="trombinoscope-person-name">\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </h1>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-nav">\n <div class="row align-items-center">\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2">\n {% if person.previous %}\n <a href="{{ person.previous.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background: {{ background_color }}; color: {{ foreground_color }}">\n ⟵ {{ person.previous.fullName }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2 text-right">\n {% if person.next %}\n <a href="{{ person.next.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background: {{ background_color }}; color: {{ foreground_color }}">\n {{ person.next.fullName }} ⟶\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4">\n {% if person.image %}\n <img src="{{ person.image }}" class="trombinoscope-person-bio-image" width="800" height="800" />\n {% endif %}\n \n <h3 class="trombinoscope-person-bio-name">\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </h3>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-role">\n {{ person.role }}\n </div>\n \n {% if person.socialEmail\n or person.socialFacebook\n or person.socialTwitter\n or person.socialInstagram\n or person.socialLinkedIn\n or person.socialYoutube\n or person.socialMedium\n or person.socialTelegram %}\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-label">\n {{ contact.title }} {{ person.fullName }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-social-accounts social-sharers">\n {% if person.socialEmail %}\n <a href="mailto:{{ person.socialEmail }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.mail }}">\n <i class="far fa-envelope"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialFacebook %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialFacebook }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.facebook }}">\n <i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialTwitter %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialTwitter }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.twitter }}">\n <i class="fab fa-twitter"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialInstagram %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialInstagram }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.instagram }}">\n <i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialLinkedIn %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialLinkedIn }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.linkedin }}">\n <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialYoutube %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialYoutube }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.youtube }}">\n <i class="fab fa-youtube"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialMedium %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialMedium }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.medium }}">\n <i class="fab fa-medium"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialTelegram %}\n <a href="https://t.me/{{ person.socialTelegram }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.telegram }}">\n <i class="fab fa-telegram"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n <div class="col-lg-8">\n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-content user-content">\n {{ person.content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n """ ] "theme_assets" => [] "project_assets" => [] "redirections" => array:3 [ 0 => array:3 [ "source" => "/procu" "target" => "https://procuration.jevoteecolo.fr/proposal?utm_source=sms" "code" => 301 ] 1 => array:3 [ "source" => "/wa" "target" => "https://ecologie2024.fr/whatsapp-msg" "code" => 301 ] 2 => array:3 [ "source" => "/w" "target" => "https://ecologie2024.fr/whatsapp-msg" "code" => 301 ] ] "tools" => array:8 [ 0 => "website_pages" 1 => "website_posts" 2 => "website_documents" 3 => "website_events" 4 => "website_forms" 5 => "website_newsletter" 6 => "website_trombinoscope" 7 => "website_manifesto" ] "access" => array:2 [ "username" => null "password" => null ] "socials" => array:13 [ "email" => null "phone" => null "facebook" => "https://www.facebook.com/eelv.fr" "twitter" => "https://x.com/eelv" "instagram" => "https://www.instagram.com/eelvfr" "linkedin" => null "youtube" => "https://www.youtube.com/user/EuropeEcologie" "medium" => null "telegram" => null "snapchat" => null "whatsapp" => null "tiktok" => null "threads" => null ] "socialSharers" => array:6 [ "facebook" => true "twitter" => true "linkedin" => false "telegram" => true "whatsapp" => true "email" => false ] "legal" => array:5 [ "name" => "Les Écologistes - EELV" "email" => "contact@lesecologistes.fr" "address" => "11 rue des petits hôtels 75010 Paris" "publisherName" => "Wilfried Maurin" "publisherRole" => "Directeur" ] "membership" => array:23 [ "introduction" => "" "profileFormalTitle" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileMiddleName" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileBirthdate" => "membership.form.rule.required" "profileGender" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileNationality" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileCompany" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileJobTitle" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "contactPhone" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "contactWorkPhone" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "socialFacebook" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialTwitter" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialLinkedIn" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialTelegram" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialWhatsapp" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "addressStreetLine1" => "membership.form.rule.required" "addressStreetLine2" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "addressZipCode" => "membership.form.rule.required" "addressCity" => "membership.form.rule.required" "addressCountry" => "membership.form.rule.required" "settingsReceiveNewsletters" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "settingsReceiveSms" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "settingsReceiveCalls" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" ] "membershipMainPage" => null "captchaSiteKey" => null "captchaSecretKey" => null "enableGdprFields" => true "header" => array:2 [ 0 => array:7 [ "type" => "MenuItem" "links" => [] "label" => "Front populaire" "url" => "https://lesecologistes.fr/posts/7AZZteDISrAUHqD1nIu0gR/quelques-jours-pour-faire-front-populaire-signez" "openNewTab" => true "weight" => 1 "children" => [] ] 1 => array:7 [ "type" => "MenuItem" "links" => [] "label" => "10 piliers des Écologistes" "url" => "https://lesecologistes.fr/posts/3cyFgfScqsrMXIt3h2Bh6l/10-piliers-des-ecologistes-pour-changer-la-vie" "openNewTab" => true "weight" => 2 "children" => [] ] ] "footer" => array:1 [ 0 => array:7 [ "type" => "MenuItem" "links" => [] "label" => "Mentions légales" "url" => "https://lesecologistes.fr/pages/5r6YHoF9Uy6sQM3fxPvsaU/mentions-legales" "openNewTab" => true "weight" => 2 "children" => [] ] ] "home" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "type" => "content" "links" => [] "page" => "home" "config" => array:1 [ "content" => """ <div class="row"><div class="col-md-12"><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(253, 109, 118);">Important !</b></h1><p style="text-align: center;">Pour mutualiser nos force et augmenter les chances de trouver une solution le plus vite possible, <b>Les Écologistes se sont associés à la plateforme de procuration de Victoires Populaires</b> :<br><a href="https://procuration-front-populaire.fr/" target="_blank" title="">https://procuration-front-populaire.fr</a><br></p><p style="text-align: center;">Toutes les nouvelles demandes et procurations sont prises en charge sur cette plateforme par une équipe de 50 bénévoles formé·es et motivé·es pour s’assurer qu’un maximum de citoyen⸱nes puissent voter. </p><p style="text-align: center;"> <b>Vous avez déjà fait une demande / une proposition avant le 20 juin ?</b><br>Vous allez recevoir un mail pour recueillir votre consentement afin de basculer sur la nouvelle plateforme.</p></div></div><div class="row">\n \n <section class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-6 mb-4">\n <div class="content-card bg-white bordered d-flex flex-column h-100">\n <h2 class="text-center text-darkgreen">Pas dispo le 30 juin et/ou le 7 juillet ?<br>On vous aide à faire une procuration !</h2>\n <div class="flex-grow-1">\n <p class="text-center">Inscrivez-vous sur la plateforme de victoires populaire qui vous mettra en contact avec un·e sympathisant·e nouveau Front Populaire dans votre bureau de vote.</p>\n <p class="text-center">Vous recevrez un mail dédié et vous n’aurez plus qu’à cliquer pour valider la procuration : MAGIQUE !</p>\n <p class="text-center">Laissez nous juste vos coordonnées.</p>\n </div>\n <span class="text-center"><a href="https://procuration-front-populaire.fr/request" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" title="">Je veux faire une procuration</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="col-md-6 mb-4">\n <div class="content-card bg-white bordered d-flex flex-column h-100">\n <h2 class="text-center text-darkgreen">Dispo et sûr d’aller voter le 30 juin et/ou le 7 juillet ?<br>Portez une procuration !</h2>\n <div class="flex-grow-1 mb-3">\n <p class="text-center">Inscrivez-vous sur la plateforme de victoires populaire qui vous mettra en contact avec un·e sympathisant·e du Front Populaire qui ne pourra pas voter ce jour là.</p>\n <p class="text-center">Vous recevrez un mail dédié et vous n’aurez plus qu’à cliquer pour valider la procuration : MAGIQUE !</p>\n <p class="text-center">Laissez nous juste vos coordonnées (et n’oubliez pas d’aller voter 😊).</p>\n </div>\n <span class="text-center"><a href="https://procuration-front-populaire.fr/proposal" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" title="">Je veux porter une procuration</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </section></div> """ ] ] ] ] "payload" => array:19 [ "item" => array:12 [ "type" => "Page" "links" => array:1 [ "self" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/website/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" ] "id" => "6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" "title" => "[Draft] New home" "slug" => "draft-new-home" "description" => null "image" => null "sharer" => null "read_time" => 15 "content" => """ <div class="mt-5 section-container">\n <img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/6du8Sae57HQaBARUWQ44lX/banniere-twitter-9-juin-je-vote.png">\n </div>\n <div class="section-container">\n <section>\n <div class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment voter le 9 juin ?</h2>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dimanche 9 juin*, on élit 81 député·es au Parlement européen.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>C’est un scrutin à 1 tour</strong>, à la proportionnelle: chaque liste qui obtient plus de 5% enverra des sièges au Parlement européen. \n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Pas besoin d’une carte électorale.</strong>\n </p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dans votre bureau de vote habituel.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><a href="https://www.elections.interieur.gouv.fr/mes-demarches/je-trouve-mon-bureau-de-vote">Trouver mon bureau de vote</a></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Un seul bulletin Vert</strong> à mettre dans l’urne, le bulletin Europe Écologie</p>\n <a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf" download=""><img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1dloQxhDtvSqS1cZwldmc0/bulletin-de-vote.jpg" class="mb-4"></a>\n <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 1.5rem"><span><a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf">Télécharger le bulletin de vote</a></span></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none pb-0">\n <p><small>* Le vote est le samedi 8 juin pour la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, la Polynésie française et les Français résidant aux Caraïbes et sur le continent Américain.</small></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment envoyer un maximum de député·es écologistes au Parlement le 9 juin ?</h2>\n \n <div class="content-card">\n <p>N’oubliez pas : 50% des électrices et électeurs se décident dans les 72h précédant le vote. <strong>Une priorité jusqu’à dimanche : convaincre votre entourage de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie !</strong> Ça peut faire changer l’élection. Chaque 240 000 voix gagnées, c’est 1 député·e écologiste de plus.</p>\n </div>\n <div class="row my-5">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <p class="text-center mb-4" style="font-size: 2rem"><strong>Pour convaincre ses proches, 3 étapes clés 🎯</strong></p> \n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">1. Faire la <strong>liste des 10 à 40 personnes à convaincre autour de vous</strong> (ami·e·s, famille, collègues, camarades militant·e·s etc…) qui seraient susceptibles de voter pour nous.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">2. <strong>Les appeler ou leur envoyer un email ou un SMS/WhatsApp.</strong> \n Comme en tractage, la conversation est le moyen le plus efficace de les convaincre. Commencer par poser une question : “avez vous/as-tu prévu d’aller voter ? De mon côté, j’ai fait mon choix, discutons-en”.\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">3. En fonction de leur réponse, <strong>expliquez leur pourquoi vous êtes convaincu</strong> que le vote Europe Écologie est le plus utile pour l’Europe, pour nos vies. Nous vous avons préparé un message automatique que vous pouvez <a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms">leur envoyer sur WhatsApp</a>.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none">\n <p>Voici quelques arguments pour vous aider :</p>\n <ul class="list-unstyled" style="line-height: 1.5;">\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>Les ONG indépendantes sont unanimes</strong> : les écologistes sont les plus crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes au Parlement européen. Il n’y a pas que les votes qui comptent, mais aussi tout le travail de rapport, commission, etc pour lequel les député·e·s écologistes sont reconnu·e·s les plus travailleur·euse.s et engagé·e·s.\n <p class="text-center my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/4sUpsGxTRoU7ndcwohp54q/classements-ong-v2">Je découvre l’analyse des ONG</a></span></p>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>On n’élit pas qu’une tête de liste mais bien un collectif de futurs eurodéputé·es</strong> : notre liste compte des eurodéputé⸱es expérimenté·es courageux·ses et de figures engagé·es crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes sur leurs sujets de prédilection. \n C’est une de nos forces par rapport aux autres listes. Voici quelques vidéos portraits à partager largement, ou encore <a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope">la liste complète</a>.\n <div class="row my-4">\n <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-2">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6DznZV7vYlpNgCcBSIcBMM/marie-toussaint">\n Marie Toussaint\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4Ii2YvGSC1mFSzQ8znSo76/david-cormand">\n David Cormand\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/7h9MOS7ZK8QCYTuUOxL1uO/melissa-camara">\n Mélissa Camara\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/1RNfDxkUsPTOVEholJWy2f/mounir-satouri">\n Mounir Satouri\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/3CPS3b1dEPKBA2YDJMBC2E/majdouline-sbai">\n Majdouline Sbaï\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4ofDqte1bviKTIKS1EHX5O/benoit-biteau">\n Benoît Biteau\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n <div class="col-md-6">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6nFQzk7spihjkRFxZA1A12/caroline-roose">\n Caroline Roose\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6s3Fe4Ho0VziqvBZZLT6KX/priscillia-ludosky">\n Priscillia Ludosky\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4850iyRExzypVuOoRAj0S6/amine-kessaci">\n Amine Kessaci\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/ssEHAUumTvIOYEOT9wz9X/flora-ghebali">\n Flora Ghebali\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/43zvorwoFgvYwvaTvbSW7p/claude-gruffat">\n Claude Gruffat\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉\n <strong>Le programme de la liste Europe Écologie est le plus ambitieux et réaliste pour préserver et améliorer les conditions de vie en Europe</strong>:\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">\n <ul class="mt-4">\n <li>Protection du climat, de la biodiversité et bien être animal</li>\n <li>Souveraineté alimentaire</li>\n <li>Investissement dans les énergies renouvelables</li>\n <li>Revenu jeune</li>\n <li>Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités</li>\n <li>Sursaut fédéraliste</li>\n <li>Europe de la diplomatie et de la défense\n </li>\n </ul> \n <p class="my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/mesures-urgentes">Je découvre les mesures urgentes</a></span></p> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li>👉 Parce que la liste Europe Écologie constitue la seule liste <strong>pro-européenne, fédéraliste, cohérente et ambitieuse pour changer l’Europe et sauver le climat</strong> ! </li>\n </ul>\n </div> \n </div> \n </div>\n \n <div class="row mt-4">\n <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 col-md-6 offset-lg-4 offset-md-3 mb-4">\n <div class="d-flex flex-column h-100 border-black">\n <a class="card-link" href="https://wa.me/?text=Je%20viens%20de%20faire%20mon%20choix%20pour%20les%20%C3%A9lections%20europ%C3%A9ennes%20du%209%20juin%20prochain%2C%20pour%20moi%20ce%20sera%20la%20liste%20Europe%20Ecologie%2C%20men%C3%A9e%20par%20Marie%20Toussaint%2C%20celle%20qui%20d%C3%A9fend%20le%20mieux%20les%20valeurs%20d%E2%80%99Ecologie%2C%20de%20Justice%20et%20de%20Paix%20lors%20de%20ces%20%C3%A9lections%20cruciales%20pour%20notre%20avenir.%20%0A%0ATu%20veux%20en%20savoir%20plus%20sur%20leur%20programme%20%3F%20Rendez-vous%20sur%20le%20site%20ecologie2024.eu" data-sa-event-link-event="faire-procuration" title="">\n <div class="card-combat">\n <img src="https://content.citipo.com/serve/ddd80fd6-72d9-4b2f-90f4-e05781bc2b6a/website-content/f753740d-18a6-4072-ad14-8a0f63c31e6a.jpg" data-filename="arnaud-jaegers-5CoOYSxILSw-unsplash.jpg">\n <div class="p-3 card-combat-content bg-gradient-green"><h3>Je convaincs mes proches</h3></div>\n </div>\n </a>\n <div class="p-4 text-center flex-grow-1 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between">\n <div>\n <p>J'envoie un message à la liste des 10 à 40 personnes autour de moi pour les convaincre de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie.</p>\n </div>\n <span><a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms" data-sa-event-link-event="share-to-whatsapp" class="btn btn-lightgreen" target="_blank" title="">Convaincre mes proches sur WhatsApp</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n \n </section>\n </div> """ "children" => [] "categories" => [] ] "page" => array:12 [ "type" => "Page" "links" => array:1 [ "self" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/website/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" ] "id" => "6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" "title" => "[Draft] New home" "slug" => "draft-new-home" "description" => null "image" => null "sharer" => null "read_time" => 15 "content" => """ <div class="mt-5 section-container">\n <img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/6du8Sae57HQaBARUWQ44lX/banniere-twitter-9-juin-je-vote.png">\n </div>\n <div class="section-container">\n <section>\n <div class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment voter le 9 juin ?</h2>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dimanche 9 juin*, on élit 81 député·es au Parlement européen.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>C’est un scrutin à 1 tour</strong>, à la proportionnelle: chaque liste qui obtient plus de 5% enverra des sièges au Parlement européen. \n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Pas besoin d’une carte électorale.</strong>\n </p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dans votre bureau de vote habituel.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><a href="https://www.elections.interieur.gouv.fr/mes-demarches/je-trouve-mon-bureau-de-vote">Trouver mon bureau de vote</a></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Un seul bulletin Vert</strong> à mettre dans l’urne, le bulletin Europe Écologie</p>\n <a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf" download=""><img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1dloQxhDtvSqS1cZwldmc0/bulletin-de-vote.jpg" class="mb-4"></a>\n <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 1.5rem"><span><a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf">Télécharger le bulletin de vote</a></span></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none pb-0">\n <p><small>* Le vote est le samedi 8 juin pour la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, la Polynésie française et les Français résidant aux Caraïbes et sur le continent Américain.</small></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment envoyer un maximum de député·es écologistes au Parlement le 9 juin ?</h2>\n \n <div class="content-card">\n <p>N’oubliez pas : 50% des électrices et électeurs se décident dans les 72h précédant le vote. <strong>Une priorité jusqu’à dimanche : convaincre votre entourage de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie !</strong> Ça peut faire changer l’élection. Chaque 240 000 voix gagnées, c’est 1 député·e écologiste de plus.</p>\n </div>\n <div class="row my-5">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <p class="text-center mb-4" style="font-size: 2rem"><strong>Pour convaincre ses proches, 3 étapes clés 🎯</strong></p> \n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">1. Faire la <strong>liste des 10 à 40 personnes à convaincre autour de vous</strong> (ami·e·s, famille, collègues, camarades militant·e·s etc…) qui seraient susceptibles de voter pour nous.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">2. <strong>Les appeler ou leur envoyer un email ou un SMS/WhatsApp.</strong> \n Comme en tractage, la conversation est le moyen le plus efficace de les convaincre. Commencer par poser une question : “avez vous/as-tu prévu d’aller voter ? De mon côté, j’ai fait mon choix, discutons-en”.\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">3. En fonction de leur réponse, <strong>expliquez leur pourquoi vous êtes convaincu</strong> que le vote Europe Écologie est le plus utile pour l’Europe, pour nos vies. Nous vous avons préparé un message automatique que vous pouvez <a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms">leur envoyer sur WhatsApp</a>.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none">\n <p>Voici quelques arguments pour vous aider :</p>\n <ul class="list-unstyled" style="line-height: 1.5;">\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>Les ONG indépendantes sont unanimes</strong> : les écologistes sont les plus crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes au Parlement européen. Il n’y a pas que les votes qui comptent, mais aussi tout le travail de rapport, commission, etc pour lequel les député·e·s écologistes sont reconnu·e·s les plus travailleur·euse.s et engagé·e·s.\n <p class="text-center my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/4sUpsGxTRoU7ndcwohp54q/classements-ong-v2">Je découvre l’analyse des ONG</a></span></p>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>On n’élit pas qu’une tête de liste mais bien un collectif de futurs eurodéputé·es</strong> : notre liste compte des eurodéputé⸱es expérimenté·es courageux·ses et de figures engagé·es crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes sur leurs sujets de prédilection. \n C’est une de nos forces par rapport aux autres listes. Voici quelques vidéos portraits à partager largement, ou encore <a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope">la liste complète</a>.\n <div class="row my-4">\n <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-2">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6DznZV7vYlpNgCcBSIcBMM/marie-toussaint">\n Marie Toussaint\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4Ii2YvGSC1mFSzQ8znSo76/david-cormand">\n David Cormand\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/7h9MOS7ZK8QCYTuUOxL1uO/melissa-camara">\n Mélissa Camara\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/1RNfDxkUsPTOVEholJWy2f/mounir-satouri">\n Mounir Satouri\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/3CPS3b1dEPKBA2YDJMBC2E/majdouline-sbai">\n Majdouline Sbaï\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4ofDqte1bviKTIKS1EHX5O/benoit-biteau">\n Benoît Biteau\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n <div class="col-md-6">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6nFQzk7spihjkRFxZA1A12/caroline-roose">\n Caroline Roose\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6s3Fe4Ho0VziqvBZZLT6KX/priscillia-ludosky">\n Priscillia Ludosky\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4850iyRExzypVuOoRAj0S6/amine-kessaci">\n Amine Kessaci\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/ssEHAUumTvIOYEOT9wz9X/flora-ghebali">\n Flora Ghebali\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/43zvorwoFgvYwvaTvbSW7p/claude-gruffat">\n Claude Gruffat\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉\n <strong>Le programme de la liste Europe Écologie est le plus ambitieux et réaliste pour préserver et améliorer les conditions de vie en Europe</strong>:\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">\n <ul class="mt-4">\n <li>Protection du climat, de la biodiversité et bien être animal</li>\n <li>Souveraineté alimentaire</li>\n <li>Investissement dans les énergies renouvelables</li>\n <li>Revenu jeune</li>\n <li>Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités</li>\n <li>Sursaut fédéraliste</li>\n <li>Europe de la diplomatie et de la défense\n </li>\n </ul> \n <p class="my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/mesures-urgentes">Je découvre les mesures urgentes</a></span></p> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li>👉 Parce que la liste Europe Écologie constitue la seule liste <strong>pro-européenne, fédéraliste, cohérente et ambitieuse pour changer l’Europe et sauver le climat</strong> ! </li>\n </ul>\n </div> \n </div> \n </div>\n \n <div class="row mt-4">\n <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 col-md-6 offset-lg-4 offset-md-3 mb-4">\n <div class="d-flex flex-column h-100 border-black">\n <a class="card-link" href="https://wa.me/?text=Je%20viens%20de%20faire%20mon%20choix%20pour%20les%20%C3%A9lections%20europ%C3%A9ennes%20du%209%20juin%20prochain%2C%20pour%20moi%20ce%20sera%20la%20liste%20Europe%20Ecologie%2C%20men%C3%A9e%20par%20Marie%20Toussaint%2C%20celle%20qui%20d%C3%A9fend%20le%20mieux%20les%20valeurs%20d%E2%80%99Ecologie%2C%20de%20Justice%20et%20de%20Paix%20lors%20de%20ces%20%C3%A9lections%20cruciales%20pour%20notre%20avenir.%20%0A%0ATu%20veux%20en%20savoir%20plus%20sur%20leur%20programme%20%3F%20Rendez-vous%20sur%20le%20site%20ecologie2024.eu" data-sa-event-link-event="faire-procuration" title="">\n <div class="card-combat">\n <img src="https://content.citipo.com/serve/ddd80fd6-72d9-4b2f-90f4-e05781bc2b6a/website-content/f753740d-18a6-4072-ad14-8a0f63c31e6a.jpg" data-filename="arnaud-jaegers-5CoOYSxILSw-unsplash.jpg">\n <div class="p-3 card-combat-content bg-gradient-green"><h3>Je convaincs mes proches</h3></div>\n </div>\n </a>\n <div class="p-4 text-center flex-grow-1 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between">\n <div>\n <p>J'envoie un message à la liste des 10 à 40 personnes autour de moi pour les convaincre de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie.</p>\n </div>\n <span><a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms" data-sa-event-link-event="share-to-whatsapp" class="btn btn-lightgreen" target="_blank" title="">Convaincre mes proches sur WhatsApp</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n \n </section>\n </div> """ "children" => [] "categories" => [] ] "current_url" => "https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home" "current_project" => array:45 [ "type" => "Project" "links" => array:8 [ "self" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/project" "posts" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/website/posts" "pages" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/website/pages" "events" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/website/events" "stylesheet" => "https://console.citipo.com/theme/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399.css?b=1876501427&v=63341044a3c72d345ef8f4412e02b680" "javascript" => "//ca.jevoteecolo.fr/projects/bundle.22f9341a.js" "javascript_custom" => "//ca.jevoteecolo.fr/theme/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399.js?v=63341044a3c72d345ef8f4412e02b680" "analytics" => "//ca.jevoteecolo.fr/projects/event" ] "uuid" => "ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399" "id" => "5IrRK45AzeWncMWi4w3tJR" "name" => "Je Vote Ecolo" "locale" => "fr" "domain" => "jevoteecolo.fr" "logoDark" => "https://content.citipo.com/serve/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399/project-logo/664daee9-def5-4859-b65a-3e9b3889ae18.png" "logoWhite" => "https://content.citipo.com/serve/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399/project-logo/0d1b9e79-4697-476d-b46b-a3ee0463cf08.png" "icon" => "https://content.citipo.com/serve/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399/project-icon/368400e3-2489-4074-a7fd-cd215830a0bc.png" "favicon" => "https://content.citipo.com/serve/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399/project-icon/368400e3-2489-4074-a7fd-cd215830a0bc.png?t=favicon" "sharer" => "https://content.citipo.com/serve/ae47b823-8c22-4d60-a9d0-0bd544525399/project-sharer/3408b1f6-e06e-4aab-8cb7-3838b0a44532.png" "primary" => "00FF99" "secondary" => "E83A7F" "third" => "2A568E" "fontTitle" => "Barlow" "fontText" => "Barlow" "metaTitle" => "Le 30 juin et le 7 juillet législatives 2024" "metaDescription" => "Besoin d'une procuration ? Bienvenue sur notre plateforme de mise en relation." 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396H75.8l111-126.9L69.7 116h98l67.7 89.5L313.6 116h47.5zM323.3 367.6L153.4 142.9H125.1L296.9 367.6h26.3z" /> </svg>\n <span class="sr-only">X (ex-Twitter)</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n {% if current_project.socials.instagram %}\n <a href="{{ current_project.socials.instagram }}" target="_blank">\n <svg fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--> <path d="M194.4 211.7a53.3 53.3 0 1 0 59.3 88.7 53.3 53.3 0 1 0 -59.3-88.7zm142.3-68.4c-5.2-5.2-11.5-9.3-18.4-12c-18.1-7.1-57.6-6.8-83.1-6.5c-4.1 0-7.9 .1-11.2 .1c-3.3 0-7.2 0-11.4-.1c-25.5-.3-64.8-.7-82.9 6.5c-6.9 2.7-13.1 6.8-18.4 12s-9.3 11.5-12 18.4c-7.1 18.1-6.7 57.7-6.5 83.2c0 4.1 .1 7.9 .1 11.1s0 7-.1 11.1c-.2 25.5-.6 65.1 6.5 83.2c2.7 6.9 6.8 13.1 12 18.4s11.5 9.3 18.4 12c18.1 7.1 57.6 6.8 83.1 6.5c4.1 0 7.9-.1 11.2-.1c3.3 0 7.2 0 11.4 .1c25.5 .3 64.8 .7 82.9-6.5c6.9-2.7 13.1-6.8 18.4-12s9.3-11.5 12-18.4c7.2-18 6.8-57.4 6.5-83c0-4.2-.1-8.1-.1-11.4s0-7.1 .1-11.4c.3-25.5 .7-64.9-6.5-83l0 0c-2.7-6.9-6.8-13.1-12-18.4zm-67.1 44.5A82 82 0 1 1 178.4 324.2a82 82 0 1 1 91.1-136.4zm29.2-1.3c-3.1-2.1-5.6-5.1-7.1-8.6s-1.8-7.3-1.1-11.1s2.6-7.1 5.2-9.8s6.1-4.5 9.8-5.2s7.6-.4 11.1 1.1s6.5 3.9 8.6 7s3.2 6.8 3.2 10.6c0 2.5-.5 5-1.4 7.3s-2.4 4.4-4.1 6.2s-3.9 3.2-6.2 4.2s-4.8 1.5-7.3 1.5l0 0c-3.8 0-7.5-1.1-10.6-3.2zM448 96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96zM357 389c-18.7 18.7-41.4 24.6-67 25.9c-26.4 1.5-105.6 1.5-132 0c-25.6-1.3-48.3-7.2-67-25.9s-24.6-41.4-25.8-67c-1.5-26.4-1.5-105.6 0-132c1.3-25.6 7.1-48.3 25.8-67s41.5-24.6 67-25.8c26.4-1.5 105.6-1.5 132 0c25.6 1.3 48.3 7.1 67 25.8s24.6 41.4 25.8 67c1.5 26.3 1.5 105.4 0 131.9c-1.3 25.6-7.1 48.3-25.8 67z" /> </svg>\n <span class="sr-only">Instagram</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n {% if current_project.socials.youtube %}\n <a href="{{ current_project.socials.youtube }}" target="_blank">\n <svg fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--> <path d="M282 256.2l-95.2-54.1V310.3L282 256.2zM384 32H64C28.7 32 0 60.7 0 96V416c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64H384c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V96c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zm14.4 136.1c7.6 28.6 7.6 88.2 7.6 88.2s0 59.6-7.6 88.1c-4.2 15.8-16.5 27.7-32.2 31.9C337.9 384 224 384 224 384s-113.9 0-142.2-7.6c-15.7-4.2-28-16.1-32.2-31.9C42 315.9 42 256.3 42 256.3s0-59.7 7.6-88.2c4.2-15.8 16.5-28.2 32.2-32.4C110.1 128 224 128 224 128s113.9 0 142.2 7.7c15.7 4.2 28 16.6 32.2 32.4z" /> </svg>\n <span class="sr-only">Youtube</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="links-wrapper">\n {% if current_project.footer | length > 0 %}\n <ul class="links">\n {% for item in current_project.footer %}\n <li>\n <a href="{{ item.url }}" {% if item.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" {% endif %}>\n {{ item.label }}\n </a>\n {% if item.children|length > 0 %}\n <ul class="sub-links">\n {% for child in item.children %}\n <li>\n <a href="{{ child.url }}" {% if child.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" {% endif %}>\n {{ child.label }}\n </a>\n </li>\n {% endfor %}\n </ul>\n {% endif %}\n </li>\n {% endfor %}\n </ul>\n {% endif %}\n {# <ul class="links">\n <li>\n <a target="_blank" href="https://lesecologistes.fr/pages/5r6YHoF9Uy6sQM3fxPvsaU/mentions-legales">Mentions légales</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target="_blank" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/ptrombinoscope">Les co-listiers</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target="_blank" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/3dkL2khw9hOwBjPpgx66VV/programme">Programme</a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a target="_blank" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/wn037Ry7YpdxxMJorbPjh/rejoindre-le-mouvement" data-sa-link-event="rejoindre_footer"\n class="btn btn-primary">Nous rejoindre</a>\n </li>\n </ul> #}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </footer>\n """ "list.html.twig" => """ {% if section_name == 'Actualités' %}\n <div class="container">\n <h1 class="text-center py-4 py-md-5 text-uppercase fs-md-50">\n {{ section_name }}\n </h1>\n <div class="list-actus">\n {% if categories|default([])|length > 0 %}\n <div class="list-actus-categories pb-4 pb-md-5">\n <h4 class="list-actus-categories-title">\n Filtrer\n </h4>\n <div class="list-actus-categories-items">\n {% for category in categories %}\n <div class="list-actus-categories-item">\n <a href="{{ category.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="list-actus-categories-item-link {{ category.isActive ? 'list-actus-categories-item-link-active' }}">\n {{ category.name }}\n </a>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n <div class="list-actus-items">\n {% for item in items %}\n <a href="{{ item.url }}" data-turbo="optional" class="streched-link list-items-item-link">\n <div class="list-actu-item" style="background-image: url('{{ item.image|default(default_list_image) }}');">\n {% if item.categories is not empty %}\n {% for categoryName, categoryPath in item.categories %}\n <div class="list-actu-item-category"> {{ categoryName }}</div>\n {% endfor %}\n {% endif %}\n <div class="list-actu-item-content">\n <div class="item-date">\n <span class="item-date-day">{{ item.date|slice(0, 2) }}</span>\n <span class="item-date-month">{{ item.date|slice(3, -5) }}</span>\n </div>\n <div class="item-title">{{ item.title }}</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </a>\n {% else %}\n <div class="list-actus-item-none">\n {{ no_items_message }}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="list-items-pagination">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-6">\n {% if previous %}\n <a href="{{ previous }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-pink">\n <i class="fal fa-angle-left"></i>\n <span class="ml-1">{{ 'base.pagination.previous'|trans }}</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-6 text-right">\n {% if next %}\n <a href="{{ next }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-pink">\n <span class="mr-1">{{ 'base.pagination.next'|trans }}</span>\n <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% else %}\n \n <div class="splash" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="container">\n <h1 class="splash-title">\n {{ section_name }}\n </h1>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="list" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="list-view">\n <div class="list-items">\n {% for item in items %}\n <div class="zoom-hover">\n <div class="list-items-item box-offset">\n <a href="{{ item.url }}" data-turbo="optional" class="streched-link list-items-item-link">\n <div class="list-items-item-box">\n <div class="row align-items-center">\n <div class="col-md-7 mb-3 mb-md-0">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ item.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n {% if item.date %}\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ item.date }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n \n {{ item.description }}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-5">\n {% if item.video|default(null) and item.video[0] == 'youtube' %}\n <div class="list-items-item-video"\n style="background-image: url('https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/{{ item.video[1] }}/hqdefault.jpg')">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-icon"\n style="background: url('{{ play_icon }}') 50% 50% no-repeat transparent">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-inner" style="width: 1110px; height: 705px"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <img src="{{ item.image|default(default_list_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <div class="list-items-none">\n {{ no_items_message }}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n \n <div class="list-items-pagination" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-6">\n {% if previous %}\n <a href="{{ previous }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-secondary">\n <i class="fal fa-angle-left"></i>\n <span class="ml-1">{{ 'base.pagination.previous'|trans }}</span>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-6 text-right">\n {% if next %}\n <a href="{{ next }}" data-turbo="optional" class="btn btn-secondary">\n <span class="mr-1">{{ 'base.pagination.next'|trans }}</span>\n <i class="fal fa-angle-right"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% if categories|default([])|length > 0 %}\n <div class="list-categories" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <h4 class="list-categories-title">\n {{ 'base.categories'|trans }}\n </h4>\n \n <div class="list-categories-items">\n {% for category in categories %}\n <div class="list-categories-item">\n <a href="{{ category.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="list-categories-item-link {{ category.isActive ? 'list-categories-item-link-active' }}">\n {{ category.name }}\n </a>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% endif %}\n """ "content.html.twig" => """ <div class="splash p-0 d-none" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="row no-gutters align-items-center">\n <div class="{% if video|default(null) or image|default(null) %}col-lg-6{% else %}col-lg-12{% endif %}">\n <div class="p-4">\n {% if section_name|default(null) %}\n <h3 class="splash-section mb-3">\n {% if section_url|default(null) %}\n <a href="{{ section_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\n {{ section_name }}\n </a>\n {% else %}\n {{ section_name }}\n {% endif %}\n </h3>\n {% endif %}\n \n <h1 class="splash-title">\n {{ title }}\n </h1>\n \n {% if social_sharers|default(null) %}\n <div class="splash-socials mt-3">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {% if video|default(null) or image|default(null) %}\n <div class="col-lg-6">\n {% if video|default(null) %}\n {% if 'youtube' == video[0] %}\n <div class="splash-video"\n style="background-image: url('https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/{{ video[1] }}/hqdefault.jpg')">\n <iframe width="1110" height="705" frameborder="0"\n src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{{ video[1] }}"\n allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"\n allowfullscreen></iframe>\n </div>\n {% elseif 'facebook' == video[0] %}\n <div class="splash-video">\n <iframe width="1110" height="705" frameborder="0"\n src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v={{ video[1] }}&show_text=false"\n allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"\n allowfullscreen></iframe>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n {% else %}\n <svg class="content-diagonal d-none d-lg-block"\n viewBox="0 0 51 506" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\n <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M-651 0H51L0.574646 506H-651V0Z" />\n </svg>\n \n <img src="{{ image }}" class="img-fluid">\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="content mt-2 mt-lg-5">\n <div class="section-pages" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n {{ content|raw }}\n </div>\n \n {% if more|default([])|length > 0 %}\n <div class="content-more" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="row justify-content-center">\n {% for other in more|default([]) %}\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4">\n <div class="zoom-hover">\n <div class="content-more-item box-offset">\n <div class="content-more-item-thumbnail">\n {% if other.video|default(null) %}\n <div class="list-items-item-video"\n style="background-image: url('https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/{{ other.video[1] }}/hqdefault.jpg')">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-icon"\n style="background: url('{{ play_icon }}') 50% 50% no-repeat transparent">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-inner" style="width: 1110px; height: 705px"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <img src="{{ other.image|default(default_list_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n <a href="{{ other.url }}" class="stretched-link list-items-item-link" data-turbo="optional">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ other.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n </a>\n \n {% if other.date|default(null) %}\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ other.date }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n {{ other.description }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n {{ citipo_dump(_context) }} """ "home.html.twig" => """ <div data-domain="{{ current_project.domain }}" data-uuid="{{ current_project.uuid }}">\n <div class="section-container">\n <img style="max-width: 100%;" alt="{{ jumbo_title | raw }}" title="{{ jumbo_title | raw }}" src="{{jumbo_image|default(citipo_theme_asset_url('https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/2oqpEgMJ0FeVuIVQMDbiWK/banniere-jevoteecolo.jpg'))}}">\n </div>\n \n <div class="section-container">\n {{ blocks[0].content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-calls-to-action.html.twig" => """ <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-cta" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n {% if primary.label %}\n <a href="{{ primary.target }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="home-blocks-block-cta-button home-blocks-block-cta-primary"\n data-controller="citipo-customevent"\n data-citipo-customevent-event-value="home-cta-secondary-click"\n data-action="citipo-customevent#trigger"\n {% if primary.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"{% endif %}>\n {{ primary.label }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if secondary.label %}\n <a href="{{ secondary.target }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="home-blocks-block-cta-button home-blocks-block-cta-secondary"\n data-controller="citipo-customevent"\n data-citipo-customevent-event-value="home-cta-secondary-click"\n data-action="citipo-customevent#trigger"\n {% if secondary.openNewTab %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"{% endif %}>\n {{ secondary.label }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n """ "home-custom-content.html.twig" => """ <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-custom-content user-content home-blocks-block-{{ key }} mb-0">\n {{ content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-newsletter.html.twig" => """ <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-newsletter box-offset">\n <div class="row no-gutters">\n <div class="col-lg">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-newsletter-form">\n <h5 class="home-blocks-block-newsletter-title">\n {{ newsletter_title }}\n </h5>\n \n {{ newsletter_form|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg home-blocks-block-newsletter-image"\n {% if main_image %}style="background-image: url('{{ main_image }}');"{% endif %}>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="container mt-5 mb-5 home-blocks-newsletter">\n <div class="box-offset border-0 bg-primary text-white">\n </div>\n \n <div class="form-legalities p-3">\n {{ legalities }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-posts.html.twig" => """ <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-posts">\n <h3 class="home-blocks-block-title" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <span>{{ posts_title }}</span>\n </h3>\n \n {% if posts|length > 0 %}\n {% for columnKey, column in posts|batch(3) %}\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-row home-blocks-block-posts-row-{{ columnKey }}">\n {% for itemKey, post in column %}\n <div class="zoom-hover home-blocks-block-posts-item-{{ columnKey * 3 + itemKey }}">\n <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item box-offset">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-thumbnail">\n {% if post.videoImage|default(null) %}\n <div class="list-items-item-video"\n style="background-image: url('{{ post.videoImage }}')">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-icon"\n style="background: url('{{ play_image }}') 50% 50% no-repeat transparent">\n <div class="list-items-item-video-inner" style="width: 1110px; height: 705px"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <img src="{{ post.image|default(default_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-text">\n <a href="{{ post.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="stretched-link list-items-item-link">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ post.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n </a>\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ post.publishedAt }}\n </div>\n \n {{ post.description }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n {% else %}\n <div class="text-center text-muted" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n """ "home-events.html.twig" => """ <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-posts">\n <h3 class="home-blocks-block-title">\n {{ events_title }}\n </h3>\n \n {% if events|length > 0 %}\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-row">\n {% for key, event in events %}\n <div class="zoom-hover">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item home-blocks-block-posts-item-{{ key }} home-blocks-block-posts-row-{{ (key / 3)|round(0, 'floor') }} box-offset">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-thumbnail">\n <img src="{{ event.image|default(default_image) }}"\n class="list-items-item-image" width="1700" height="1080" />\n </div>\n \n <div class="home-blocks-block-posts-item-text">\n <a href="{{ event.url }}" data-turbo="optional" class="stretched-link list-items-item-link">\n <h5 class="list-items-item-title">\n <span>{{ event.title }}</span>\n </h5>\n </a>\n \n <div class="list-items-item-description">\n <div class="list-items-item-date">\n {{ event.beginAt }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <div class="text-center text-muted">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "home-socials.html.twig" => """ {% if facebook_url or twitter_url %}\n <div data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="home-blocks-block home-blocks-block-socials">\n <h3 class="home-blocks-block-title">\n {{ socials_title }}\n </h3>\n \n <div class="row justify-content-center justify-content-lg-between">\n {% if facebook_url %}\n <div class="col-lg-6 home-blocks-block-socials-facebook">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-socials-block" {{ stimulus_controller('embed-consent', {\n 'type': 'facebook-timeline',\n 'url': facebook_url,\n 'titleLabel': titleLabel,\n 'descriptionLabel': descriptionLabel,\n 'acceptLabel': acceptLabel,\n 'externalLabel': externalLabel,\n 'cancelLabel': cancelLabel,\n }) }}>\n <div class="p-3">\n <a href="{{ facebook_url }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fa fa-external-link mr-1"></i>\n {{ facebook_url }}\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if twitter_url %}\n <div class="col-lg-6 home-blocks-block-socials-twitter">\n <div class="home-blocks-block-socials-block" {{ stimulus_controller('embed-consent', {\n 'type': 'twitter-timeline',\n 'url': twitter_url,\n 'titleLabel': titleLabel,\n 'descriptionLabel': descriptionLabel,\n 'acceptLabel': acceptLabel,\n 'externalLabel': externalLabel,\n 'cancelLabel': cancelLabel,\n }) }}>\n <div class="p-3">\n <a href="{{ twitter_url }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fa fa-external-link mr-1"></i>\n {{ twitter_url }}\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n """ "manifesto-list.html.twig" => """ <div class="manifesto manifesto-topics" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <h1 class="manifesto-topics-title">\n {{ manifesto_title }}\n </h1>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topics-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topics-list">\n <div class="row justify-content-center">\n {% for topic in manifesto %}\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <a href="{{ topic.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="manifesto-topics-list-item"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.color }};">\n <div class="manifesto-topics-list-item-image"\n {% if topic.image %}style="background-image: url('{{ topic.image }}')"{% endif %}></div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topics-list-item-title">{{ topic.title }}</div>\n </a>\n </div>\n {% else %}\n <div class="col-12">\n <div class="manifesto-topics-list-none">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "manifesto-view.html.twig" => """ <div class="manifesto manifesto-topic" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="manifesto-topic-section">\n <a href="{{ manifesto_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\n {{ manifesto_title }}\n </a>\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-nav">\n <div class="row align-items-center">\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2">\n {% if topic.previous %}\n <a href="{{ topic.previous.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.previous.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.previous.color }};">\n ⟵ {{ topic.previous.title }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2 text-right">\n {% if topic.next %}\n <a href="{{ topic.next.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.next.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.next.color }};">\n {{ topic.next.title }} ⟶\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-header"\n style="background-image: url('{{ topic.image|default(default_image) }}')">\n <div class="manifesto-topic-header-overlay">\n <div>\n <h1 class="manifesto-topic-header-title">\n {{ topic.title }}\n </h1>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-header-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-proposals"\n style="background-color: {{ topic.backgroundColor }}; color: #{{ topic.color }};">\n {% for key, proposal in topic.proposals %}\n <div class="manifesto-topic-proposal">\n <h3 class="manifesto-topic-proposal-title">\n <span class="manifesto-topic-proposal-number">{{ key + 1 }}.</span>\n {{ proposal.title }}\n </h3>\n \n <div class="manifesto-topic-proposal-content user-content py-2 px-0 px-lg-5 mb-5">\n {{ proposal.content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "trombinoscope-list.html.twig" => """ <div class="trombinoscope trombinoscope-persons" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <h1 class="trombinoscope-persons-title">\n Nos 15 premiers candidats<br>\n <span class="trombinoscope-persons-title-sub">pour les élections européennes 2024</span>\n </h1>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid">\n {% for key, person in trombinoscope %}\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item">\n <img src="{{ person.image }}" alt="{{ person.fullName }}" class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-img">\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-content">\n {# <h3 class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-name">\n <strong>\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </strong>\n </h3> #}\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-description">\n {{ person.content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n {# <a href="{{ person.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item"\n {% if person.image %}style="background-image: url('{{ person.image }}');"{% endif %}>\n <h3 class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-item-name">\n <strong>\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </strong>\n </h3>\n </a> #}\n {% else %}\n <div class="trombinoscope-persons-grid-none">\n {{ no_elements }}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n </div>\n """ "trombinoscope-view.html.twig" => """ <div class="trombinoscope trombinoscope-person" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-duration="600">\n <div class="trombinoscope-person-section">\n <a href="{{ trombinoscope_url }}" data-turbo="optional">\n {{ trombinoscope_title }}\n </a>\n </div>\n \n <h1 class="trombinoscope-person-name">\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </h1>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-social-sharers">\n {{ social_sharers|raw }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-nav">\n <div class="row align-items-center">\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2">\n {% if person.previous %}\n <a href="{{ person.previous.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background: {{ background_color }}; color: {{ foreground_color }}">\n ⟵ {{ person.previous.fullName }}\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n <div class="col-12 col-md-6 mb-2 text-right">\n {% if person.next %}\n <a href="{{ person.next.url }}" data-turbo="optional"\n class="d-inline-block px-4 py-3"\n style="background: {{ background_color }}; color: {{ foreground_color }}">\n {{ person.next.fullName }} ⟶\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4">\n {% if person.image %}\n <img src="{{ person.image }}" class="trombinoscope-person-bio-image" width="800" height="800" />\n {% endif %}\n \n <h3 class="trombinoscope-person-bio-name">\n {{ person.fullName }}\n </h3>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-role">\n {{ person.role }}\n </div>\n \n {% if person.socialEmail\n or person.socialFacebook\n or person.socialTwitter\n or person.socialInstagram\n or person.socialLinkedIn\n or person.socialYoutube\n or person.socialMedium\n or person.socialTelegram %}\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-label">\n {{ contact.title }} {{ person.fullName }}\n </div>\n \n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-social-accounts social-sharers">\n {% if person.socialEmail %}\n <a href="mailto:{{ person.socialEmail }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.mail }}">\n <i class="far fa-envelope"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialFacebook %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialFacebook }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.facebook }}">\n <i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialTwitter %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialTwitter }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.twitter }}">\n <i class="fab fa-twitter"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialInstagram %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialInstagram }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.instagram }}">\n <i class="fab fa-instagram"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialLinkedIn %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialLinkedIn }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.linkedin }}">\n <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialYoutube %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialYoutube }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.youtube }}">\n <i class="fab fa-youtube"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialMedium %}\n <a href="{{ person.socialMedium }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.medium }}">\n <i class="fab fa-medium"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n \n {% if person.socialTelegram %}\n <a href="https://t.me/{{ person.socialTelegram }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"\n title="{{ contact.telegram }}">\n <i class="fab fa-telegram"></i>\n </a>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n \n <div class="col-lg-8">\n <div class="trombinoscope-person-bio-content user-content">\n {{ person.content|raw }}\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n """ ] "theme_assets" => [] "project_assets" => [] "redirections" => array:3 [ 0 => array:3 [ "source" => "/procu" "target" => "https://procuration.jevoteecolo.fr/proposal?utm_source=sms" "code" => 301 ] 1 => array:3 [ "source" => "/wa" "target" => "https://ecologie2024.fr/whatsapp-msg" "code" => 301 ] 2 => array:3 [ "source" => "/w" "target" => "https://ecologie2024.fr/whatsapp-msg" "code" => 301 ] ] "tools" => array:8 [ 0 => "website_pages" 1 => "website_posts" 2 => "website_documents" 3 => "website_events" 4 => "website_forms" 5 => "website_newsletter" 6 => "website_trombinoscope" 7 => "website_manifesto" ] "access" => array:2 [ "username" => null "password" => null ] "socials" => array:13 [ "email" => null "phone" => null "facebook" => "https://www.facebook.com/eelv.fr" "twitter" => "https://x.com/eelv" "instagram" => "https://www.instagram.com/eelvfr" "linkedin" => null "youtube" => "https://www.youtube.com/user/EuropeEcologie" "medium" => null "telegram" => null "snapchat" => null "whatsapp" => null "tiktok" => null "threads" => null ] "socialSharers" => array:6 [ "facebook" => true "twitter" => true "linkedin" => false "telegram" => true "whatsapp" => true "email" => false ] "legal" => array:5 [ "name" => "Les Écologistes - EELV" "email" => "contact@lesecologistes.fr" "address" => "11 rue des petits hôtels 75010 Paris" "publisherName" => "Wilfried Maurin" "publisherRole" => "Directeur" ] "membership" => array:23 [ "introduction" => "" "profileFormalTitle" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileMiddleName" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileBirthdate" => "membership.form.rule.required" "profileGender" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileNationality" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileCompany" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "profileJobTitle" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "contactPhone" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "contactWorkPhone" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "socialFacebook" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialTwitter" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialLinkedIn" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialTelegram" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "socialWhatsapp" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" "addressStreetLine1" => "membership.form.rule.required" "addressStreetLine2" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "addressZipCode" => "membership.form.rule.required" "addressCity" => "membership.form.rule.required" "addressCountry" => "membership.form.rule.required" "settingsReceiveNewsletters" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "settingsReceiveSms" => "membership.form.rule.optional" "settingsReceiveCalls" => "membership.form.rule.ignore" ] "membershipMainPage" => null "captchaSiteKey" => null "captchaSecretKey" => null "enableGdprFields" => true "header" => array:2 [ 0 => array:7 [ "type" => "MenuItem" "links" => [] "label" => "Front populaire" "url" => "https://lesecologistes.fr/posts/7AZZteDISrAUHqD1nIu0gR/quelques-jours-pour-faire-front-populaire-signez" "openNewTab" => true "weight" => 1 "children" => [] ] 1 => array:7 [ "type" => "MenuItem" "links" => [] "label" => "10 piliers des Écologistes" "url" => "https://lesecologistes.fr/posts/3cyFgfScqsrMXIt3h2Bh6l/10-piliers-des-ecologistes-pour-changer-la-vie" "openNewTab" => true "weight" => 2 "children" => [] ] ] "footer" => array:1 [ 0 => array:7 [ "type" => "MenuItem" "links" => [] "label" => "Mentions légales" "url" => "https://lesecologistes.fr/pages/5r6YHoF9Uy6sQM3fxPvsaU/mentions-legales" "openNewTab" => true "weight" => 2 "children" => [] ] ] "home" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "type" => "content" "links" => [] "page" => "home" "config" => array:1 [ "content" => """ <div class="row"><div class="col-md-12"><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(253, 109, 118);">Important !</b></h1><p style="text-align: center;">Pour mutualiser nos force et augmenter les chances de trouver une solution le plus vite possible, <b>Les Écologistes se sont associés à la plateforme de procuration de Victoires Populaires</b> :<br><a href="https://procuration-front-populaire.fr/" target="_blank" title="">https://procuration-front-populaire.fr</a><br></p><p style="text-align: center;">Toutes les nouvelles demandes et procurations sont prises en charge sur cette plateforme par une équipe de 50 bénévoles formé·es et motivé·es pour s’assurer qu’un maximum de citoyen⸱nes puissent voter. </p><p style="text-align: center;"> <b>Vous avez déjà fait une demande / une proposition avant le 20 juin ?</b><br>Vous allez recevoir un mail pour recueillir votre consentement afin de basculer sur la nouvelle plateforme.</p></div></div><div class="row">\n \n <section class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-6 mb-4">\n <div class="content-card bg-white bordered d-flex flex-column h-100">\n <h2 class="text-center text-darkgreen">Pas dispo le 30 juin et/ou le 7 juillet ?<br>On vous aide à faire une procuration !</h2>\n <div class="flex-grow-1">\n <p class="text-center">Inscrivez-vous sur la plateforme de victoires populaire qui vous mettra en contact avec un·e sympathisant·e nouveau Front Populaire dans votre bureau de vote.</p>\n <p class="text-center">Vous recevrez un mail dédié et vous n’aurez plus qu’à cliquer pour valider la procuration : MAGIQUE !</p>\n <p class="text-center">Laissez nous juste vos coordonnées.</p>\n </div>\n <span class="text-center"><a href="https://procuration-front-populaire.fr/request" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" title="">Je veux faire une procuration</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="col-md-6 mb-4">\n <div class="content-card bg-white bordered d-flex flex-column h-100">\n <h2 class="text-center text-darkgreen">Dispo et sûr d’aller voter le 30 juin et/ou le 7 juillet ?<br>Portez une procuration !</h2>\n <div class="flex-grow-1 mb-3">\n <p class="text-center">Inscrivez-vous sur la plateforme de victoires populaire qui vous mettra en contact avec un·e sympathisant·e du Front Populaire qui ne pourra pas voter ce jour là.</p>\n <p class="text-center">Vous recevrez un mail dédié et vous n’aurez plus qu’à cliquer pour valider la procuration : MAGIQUE !</p>\n <p class="text-center">Laissez nous juste vos coordonnées (et n’oubliez pas d’aller voter 😊).</p>\n </div>\n <span class="text-center"><a href="https://procuration-front-populaire.fr/proposal" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" title="">Je veux porter une procuration</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </section></div> """ ] ] ] ] "force_embed_consent" => false "title" => "[Draft] New home" "description" => "" "social_sharers" => """ <div class="social-sharers">\n <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fjevoteecolo.fr%2Fpages%2F6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o%2Fdraft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Facebook" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>\n </a>\n \n <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Twitter" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M389.2 48h70.6L305.6 224.2 487 464H345L233.7 318.6 106.5 464H35.8L200.7 275.5 26.8 48H172.4L272.9 180.9 389.2 48zM364.4 421.8h39.1L151.1 88h-42L364.4 421.8z"/></svg>\n </a>\n \n \n <a href="https://telegram.me/share/url?url=https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Telegram" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fab fa-telegram-plane"></i>\n </a>\n \n <a href="https://wa.me/?text=https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Whatsapp" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fab fa-whatsapp"></i>\n </a>\n \n </div>\n """ "image" => null "categories" => [] "read_time" => 15 "content" => """ <div class="user-content"><div class="mt-5 section-container">\n <img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/6du8Sae57HQaBARUWQ44lX/banniere-twitter-9-juin-je-vote.png">\n </div>\n <div class="section-container">\n <section>\n <div class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment voter le 9 juin ?</h2>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dimanche 9 juin*, on élit 81 député·es au Parlement européen.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>C’est un scrutin à 1 tour</strong>, à la proportionnelle: chaque liste qui obtient plus de 5% enverra des sièges au Parlement européen. \n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Pas besoin d’une carte électorale.</strong>\n </p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dans votre bureau de vote habituel.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><a href="https://www.elections.interieur.gouv.fr/mes-demarches/je-trouve-mon-bureau-de-vote">Trouver mon bureau de vote</a></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Un seul bulletin Vert</strong> à mettre dans l’urne, le bulletin Europe Écologie</p>\n <a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf" download=""><img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1dloQxhDtvSqS1cZwldmc0/bulletin-de-vote.jpg" class="mb-4"></a>\n <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 1.5rem"><span><a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf">Télécharger le bulletin de vote</a></span></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none pb-0">\n <p><small>* Le vote est le samedi 8 juin pour la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, la Polynésie française et les Français résidant aux Caraïbes et sur le continent Américain.</small></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment envoyer un maximum de député·es écologistes au Parlement le 9 juin ?</h2>\n \n <div class="content-card">\n <p>N’oubliez pas : 50% des électrices et électeurs se décident dans les 72h précédant le vote. <strong>Une priorité jusqu’à dimanche : convaincre votre entourage de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie !</strong> Ça peut faire changer l’élection. Chaque 240 000 voix gagnées, c’est 1 député·e écologiste de plus.</p>\n </div>\n <div class="row my-5">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <p class="text-center mb-4" style="font-size: 2rem"><strong>Pour convaincre ses proches, 3 étapes clés 🎯</strong></p> \n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">1. Faire la <strong>liste des 10 à 40 personnes à convaincre autour de vous</strong> (ami·e·s, famille, collègues, camarades militant·e·s etc…) qui seraient susceptibles de voter pour nous.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">2. <strong>Les appeler ou leur envoyer un email ou un SMS/WhatsApp.</strong> \n Comme en tractage, la conversation est le moyen le plus efficace de les convaincre. Commencer par poser une question : “avez vous/as-tu prévu d’aller voter ? De mon côté, j’ai fait mon choix, discutons-en”.\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">3. En fonction de leur réponse, <strong>expliquez leur pourquoi vous êtes convaincu</strong> que le vote Europe Écologie est le plus utile pour l’Europe, pour nos vies. Nous vous avons préparé un message automatique que vous pouvez <a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms">leur envoyer sur WhatsApp</a>.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none">\n <p>Voici quelques arguments pour vous aider :</p>\n <ul class="list-unstyled" style="line-height: 1.5;">\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>Les ONG indépendantes sont unanimes</strong> : les écologistes sont les plus crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes au Parlement européen. Il n’y a pas que les votes qui comptent, mais aussi tout le travail de rapport, commission, etc pour lequel les député·e·s écologistes sont reconnu·e·s les plus travailleur·euse.s et engagé·e·s.\n <p class="text-center my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/4sUpsGxTRoU7ndcwohp54q/classements-ong-v2">Je découvre l’analyse des ONG</a></span></p>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>On n’élit pas qu’une tête de liste mais bien un collectif de futurs eurodéputé·es</strong> : notre liste compte des eurodéputé⸱es expérimenté·es courageux·ses et de figures engagé·es crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes sur leurs sujets de prédilection. \n C’est une de nos forces par rapport aux autres listes. Voici quelques vidéos portraits à partager largement, ou encore <a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope">la liste complète</a>.\n <div class="row my-4">\n <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-2">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6DznZV7vYlpNgCcBSIcBMM/marie-toussaint">\n Marie Toussaint\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4Ii2YvGSC1mFSzQ8znSo76/david-cormand">\n David Cormand\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/7h9MOS7ZK8QCYTuUOxL1uO/melissa-camara">\n Mélissa Camara\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/1RNfDxkUsPTOVEholJWy2f/mounir-satouri">\n Mounir Satouri\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/3CPS3b1dEPKBA2YDJMBC2E/majdouline-sbai">\n Majdouline Sbaï\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4ofDqte1bviKTIKS1EHX5O/benoit-biteau">\n Benoît Biteau\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n <div class="col-md-6">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6nFQzk7spihjkRFxZA1A12/caroline-roose">\n Caroline Roose\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6s3Fe4Ho0VziqvBZZLT6KX/priscillia-ludosky">\n Priscillia Ludosky\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4850iyRExzypVuOoRAj0S6/amine-kessaci">\n Amine Kessaci\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/ssEHAUumTvIOYEOT9wz9X/flora-ghebali">\n Flora Ghebali\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/43zvorwoFgvYwvaTvbSW7p/claude-gruffat">\n Claude Gruffat\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉\n <strong>Le programme de la liste Europe Écologie est le plus ambitieux et réaliste pour préserver et améliorer les conditions de vie en Europe</strong>:\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">\n <ul class="mt-4">\n <li>Protection du climat, de la biodiversité et bien être animal</li>\n <li>Souveraineté alimentaire</li>\n <li>Investissement dans les énergies renouvelables</li>\n <li>Revenu jeune</li>\n <li>Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités</li>\n <li>Sursaut fédéraliste</li>\n <li>Europe de la diplomatie et de la défense\n </li>\n </ul> \n <p class="my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/mesures-urgentes">Je découvre les mesures urgentes</a></span></p> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li>👉 Parce que la liste Europe Écologie constitue la seule liste <strong>pro-européenne, fédéraliste, cohérente et ambitieuse pour changer l’Europe et sauver le climat</strong> ! </li>\n </ul>\n </div> \n </div> \n </div>\n \n <div class="row mt-4">\n <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 col-md-6 offset-lg-4 offset-md-3 mb-4">\n <div class="d-flex flex-column h-100 border-black">\n <a class="card-link" href="https://wa.me/?text=Je%20viens%20de%20faire%20mon%20choix%20pour%20les%20%C3%A9lections%20europ%C3%A9ennes%20du%209%20juin%20prochain%2C%20pour%20moi%20ce%20sera%20la%20liste%20Europe%20Ecologie%2C%20men%C3%A9e%20par%20Marie%20Toussaint%2C%20celle%20qui%20d%C3%A9fend%20le%20mieux%20les%20valeurs%20d%E2%80%99Ecologie%2C%20de%20Justice%20et%20de%20Paix%20lors%20de%20ces%20%C3%A9lections%20cruciales%20pour%20notre%20avenir.%20%0A%0ATu%20veux%20en%20savoir%20plus%20sur%20leur%20programme%20%3F%20Rendez-vous%20sur%20le%20site%20ecologie2024.eu" data-sa-event-link-event="faire-procuration" title="">\n <div class="card-combat">\n <img src="https://content.citipo.com/serve/ddd80fd6-72d9-4b2f-90f4-e05781bc2b6a/website-content/f753740d-18a6-4072-ad14-8a0f63c31e6a.jpg" data-filename="arnaud-jaegers-5CoOYSxILSw-unsplash.jpg">\n <div class="p-3 card-combat-content bg-gradient-green"><h3>Je convaincs mes proches</h3></div>\n </div>\n </a>\n <div class="p-4 text-center flex-grow-1 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between">\n <div>\n <p>J'envoie un message à la liste des 10 à 40 personnes autour de moi pour les convaincre de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie.</p>\n </div>\n <span><a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms" data-sa-event-link-event="share-to-whatsapp" class="btn btn-lightgreen" target="_blank" title="">Convaincre mes proches sur WhatsApp</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n \n </section>\n </div></div> """ "titleLabel" => "Contenu externe" "descriptionLabel" => """ Ce contenu intégré est hébergé par un service externe. En affichant ce contenu,\n vous consentez à ce que %host% enregistre des cookies sur votre navigateur.\n """ "acceptLabel" => "Afficher le contenu" "externalLabel" => "Ouvrir" "cancelLabel" => "Ne plus charger ces contenus" "section_id" => "pages" "default_list_image" => "/res/default.jpg" ] "social_sharers" => """ <div class="social-sharers">\n <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fjevoteecolo.fr%2Fpages%2F6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o%2Fdraft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Facebook" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>\n </a>\n \n <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Twitter" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M389.2 48h70.6L305.6 224.2 487 464H345L233.7 318.6 106.5 464H35.8L200.7 275.5 26.8 48H172.4L272.9 180.9 389.2 48zM364.4 421.8h39.1L151.1 88h-42L364.4 421.8z"/></svg>\n </a>\n \n \n <a href="https://telegram.me/share/url?url=https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Telegram" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fab fa-telegram-plane"></i>\n </a>\n \n <a href="https://wa.me/?text=https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home"\n title="Partager sur Whatsapp" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">\n <i class="fab fa-whatsapp"></i>\n </a>\n \n </div>\n """ "categories" => [] "more" => [] "item" => array:12 [ "type" => "Page" "links" => array:1 [ "self" => "https://console.citipo.com/api/website/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" ] "id" => "6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o" "title" => "[Draft] New home" "slug" => "draft-new-home" "description" => null "image" => null "sharer" => null "read_time" => 15 "content" => """ <div class="mt-5 section-container">\n <img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/6du8Sae57HQaBARUWQ44lX/banniere-twitter-9-juin-je-vote.png">\n </div>\n <div class="section-container">\n <section>\n <div class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment voter le 9 juin ?</h2>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dimanche 9 juin*, on élit 81 député·es au Parlement européen.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>C’est un scrutin à 1 tour</strong>, à la proportionnelle: chaque liste qui obtient plus de 5% enverra des sièges au Parlement européen. \n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Pas besoin d’une carte électorale.</strong>\n </p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dans votre bureau de vote habituel.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><a href="https://www.elections.interieur.gouv.fr/mes-demarches/je-trouve-mon-bureau-de-vote">Trouver mon bureau de vote</a></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Un seul bulletin Vert</strong> à mettre dans l’urne, le bulletin Europe Écologie</p>\n <a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf" download=""><img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1dloQxhDtvSqS1cZwldmc0/bulletin-de-vote.jpg" class="mb-4"></a>\n <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 1.5rem"><span><a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf">Télécharger le bulletin de vote</a></span></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none pb-0">\n <p><small>* Le vote est le samedi 8 juin pour la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, la Polynésie française et les Français résidant aux Caraïbes et sur le continent Américain.</small></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment envoyer un maximum de député·es écologistes au Parlement le 9 juin ?</h2>\n \n <div class="content-card">\n <p>N’oubliez pas : 50% des électrices et électeurs se décident dans les 72h précédant le vote. <strong>Une priorité jusqu’à dimanche : convaincre votre entourage de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie !</strong> Ça peut faire changer l’élection. Chaque 240 000 voix gagnées, c’est 1 député·e écologiste de plus.</p>\n </div>\n <div class="row my-5">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <p class="text-center mb-4" style="font-size: 2rem"><strong>Pour convaincre ses proches, 3 étapes clés 🎯</strong></p> \n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">1. Faire la <strong>liste des 10 à 40 personnes à convaincre autour de vous</strong> (ami·e·s, famille, collègues, camarades militant·e·s etc…) qui seraient susceptibles de voter pour nous.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">2. <strong>Les appeler ou leur envoyer un email ou un SMS/WhatsApp.</strong> \n Comme en tractage, la conversation est le moyen le plus efficace de les convaincre. Commencer par poser une question : “avez vous/as-tu prévu d’aller voter ? De mon côté, j’ai fait mon choix, discutons-en”.\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">3. En fonction de leur réponse, <strong>expliquez leur pourquoi vous êtes convaincu</strong> que le vote Europe Écologie est le plus utile pour l’Europe, pour nos vies. Nous vous avons préparé un message automatique que vous pouvez <a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms">leur envoyer sur WhatsApp</a>.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none">\n <p>Voici quelques arguments pour vous aider :</p>\n <ul class="list-unstyled" style="line-height: 1.5;">\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>Les ONG indépendantes sont unanimes</strong> : les écologistes sont les plus crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes au Parlement européen. Il n’y a pas que les votes qui comptent, mais aussi tout le travail de rapport, commission, etc pour lequel les député·e·s écologistes sont reconnu·e·s les plus travailleur·euse.s et engagé·e·s.\n <p class="text-center my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/4sUpsGxTRoU7ndcwohp54q/classements-ong-v2">Je découvre l’analyse des ONG</a></span></p>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>On n’élit pas qu’une tête de liste mais bien un collectif de futurs eurodéputé·es</strong> : notre liste compte des eurodéputé⸱es expérimenté·es courageux·ses et de figures engagé·es crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes sur leurs sujets de prédilection. \n C’est une de nos forces par rapport aux autres listes. Voici quelques vidéos portraits à partager largement, ou encore <a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope">la liste complète</a>.\n <div class="row my-4">\n <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-2">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6DznZV7vYlpNgCcBSIcBMM/marie-toussaint">\n Marie Toussaint\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4Ii2YvGSC1mFSzQ8znSo76/david-cormand">\n David Cormand\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/7h9MOS7ZK8QCYTuUOxL1uO/melissa-camara">\n Mélissa Camara\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/1RNfDxkUsPTOVEholJWy2f/mounir-satouri">\n Mounir Satouri\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/3CPS3b1dEPKBA2YDJMBC2E/majdouline-sbai">\n Majdouline Sbaï\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4ofDqte1bviKTIKS1EHX5O/benoit-biteau">\n Benoît Biteau\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n <div class="col-md-6">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6nFQzk7spihjkRFxZA1A12/caroline-roose">\n Caroline Roose\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6s3Fe4Ho0VziqvBZZLT6KX/priscillia-ludosky">\n Priscillia Ludosky\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4850iyRExzypVuOoRAj0S6/amine-kessaci">\n Amine Kessaci\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/ssEHAUumTvIOYEOT9wz9X/flora-ghebali">\n Flora Ghebali\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/43zvorwoFgvYwvaTvbSW7p/claude-gruffat">\n Claude Gruffat\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉\n <strong>Le programme de la liste Europe Écologie est le plus ambitieux et réaliste pour préserver et améliorer les conditions de vie en Europe</strong>:\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">\n <ul class="mt-4">\n <li>Protection du climat, de la biodiversité et bien être animal</li>\n <li>Souveraineté alimentaire</li>\n <li>Investissement dans les énergies renouvelables</li>\n <li>Revenu jeune</li>\n <li>Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités</li>\n <li>Sursaut fédéraliste</li>\n <li>Europe de la diplomatie et de la défense\n </li>\n </ul> \n <p class="my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/mesures-urgentes">Je découvre les mesures urgentes</a></span></p> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li>👉 Parce que la liste Europe Écologie constitue la seule liste <strong>pro-européenne, fédéraliste, cohérente et ambitieuse pour changer l’Europe et sauver le climat</strong> ! </li>\n </ul>\n </div> \n </div> \n </div>\n \n <div class="row mt-4">\n <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 col-md-6 offset-lg-4 offset-md-3 mb-4">\n <div class="d-flex flex-column h-100 border-black">\n <a class="card-link" href="https://wa.me/?text=Je%20viens%20de%20faire%20mon%20choix%20pour%20les%20%C3%A9lections%20europ%C3%A9ennes%20du%209%20juin%20prochain%2C%20pour%20moi%20ce%20sera%20la%20liste%20Europe%20Ecologie%2C%20men%C3%A9e%20par%20Marie%20Toussaint%2C%20celle%20qui%20d%C3%A9fend%20le%20mieux%20les%20valeurs%20d%E2%80%99Ecologie%2C%20de%20Justice%20et%20de%20Paix%20lors%20de%20ces%20%C3%A9lections%20cruciales%20pour%20notre%20avenir.%20%0A%0ATu%20veux%20en%20savoir%20plus%20sur%20leur%20programme%20%3F%20Rendez-vous%20sur%20le%20site%20ecologie2024.eu" data-sa-event-link-event="faire-procuration" title="">\n <div class="card-combat">\n <img src="https://content.citipo.com/serve/ddd80fd6-72d9-4b2f-90f4-e05781bc2b6a/website-content/f753740d-18a6-4072-ad14-8a0f63c31e6a.jpg" data-filename="arnaud-jaegers-5CoOYSxILSw-unsplash.jpg">\n <div class="p-3 card-combat-content bg-gradient-green"><h3>Je convaincs mes proches</h3></div>\n </div>\n </a>\n <div class="p-4 text-center flex-grow-1 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between">\n <div>\n <p>J'envoie un message à la liste des 10 à 40 personnes autour de moi pour les convaincre de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie.</p>\n </div>\n <span><a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms" data-sa-event-link-event="share-to-whatsapp" class="btn btn-lightgreen" target="_blank" title="">Convaincre mes proches sur WhatsApp</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n \n </section>\n </div> """ "children" => [] "categories" => [] ] "current_url" => "https://jevoteecolo.fr/pages/6NYyX3iyEEMngvBWnTCl0o/draft-new-home" "title" => "[Draft] New home" "description" => "" "image" => null "read_time" => 15 "content" => """ <div class="user-content"><div class="mt-5 section-container">\n <img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/6du8Sae57HQaBARUWQ44lX/banniere-twitter-9-juin-je-vote.png">\n </div>\n <div class="section-container">\n <section>\n <div class="row m-0">\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment voter le 9 juin ?</h2>\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dimanche 9 juin*, on élit 81 député·es au Parlement européen.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>C’est un scrutin à 1 tour</strong>, à la proportionnelle: chaque liste qui obtient plus de 5% enverra des sièges au Parlement européen. \n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Pas besoin d’une carte électorale.</strong>\n </p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">Dans votre bureau de vote habituel.</p>\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><a href="https://www.elections.interieur.gouv.fr/mes-demarches/je-trouve-mon-bureau-de-vote">Trouver mon bureau de vote</a></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white bordered highlight-yellow h-100 font-weight-bold" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem"><strong>Un seul bulletin Vert</strong> à mettre dans l’urne, le bulletin Europe Écologie</p>\n <a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf" download=""><img src="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1dloQxhDtvSqS1cZwldmc0/bulletin-de-vote.jpg" class="mb-4"></a>\n <p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 1.5rem"><span><a href="https://jevoteecolo.fr/document/1YvSvcr6PKfoT6TvhRRcw2/bulletin-de-vote.pdf">Télécharger le bulletin de vote</a></span></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none pb-0">\n <p><small>* Le vote est le samedi 8 juin pour la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, la Polynésie française et les Français résidant aux Caraïbes et sur le continent Américain.</small></p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-md-12 content-card bg-none py-0">\n <h2 class="my-5 text-darkgreen">Comment envoyer un maximum de député·es écologistes au Parlement le 9 juin ?</h2>\n \n <div class="content-card">\n <p>N’oubliez pas : 50% des électrices et électeurs se décident dans les 72h précédant le vote. <strong>Une priorité jusqu’à dimanche : convaincre votre entourage de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie !</strong> Ça peut faire changer l’élection. Chaque 240 000 voix gagnées, c’est 1 député·e écologiste de plus.</p>\n </div>\n <div class="row my-5">\n <div class="col-md-12">\n <p class="text-center mb-4" style="font-size: 2rem"><strong>Pour convaincre ses proches, 3 étapes clés 🎯</strong></p> \n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">1. Faire la <strong>liste des 10 à 40 personnes à convaincre autour de vous</strong> (ami·e·s, famille, collègues, camarades militant·e·s etc…) qui seraient susceptibles de voter pour nous.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">2. <strong>Les appeler ou leur envoyer un email ou un SMS/WhatsApp.</strong> \n Comme en tractage, la conversation est le moyen le plus efficace de les convaincre. Commencer par poser une question : “avez vous/as-tu prévu d’aller voter ? De mon côté, j’ai fait mon choix, discutons-en”.\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="col-lg-4 mb-4">\n <div class=" content-card bg-white highlight-yellow bordered h-100">\n <p style="font-size: 1.5rem">3. En fonction de leur réponse, <strong>expliquez leur pourquoi vous êtes convaincu</strong> que le vote Europe Écologie est le plus utile pour l’Europe, pour nos vies. Nous vous avons préparé un message automatique que vous pouvez <a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms">leur envoyer sur WhatsApp</a>.</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="content-card bg-none">\n <p>Voici quelques arguments pour vous aider :</p>\n <ul class="list-unstyled" style="line-height: 1.5;">\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>Les ONG indépendantes sont unanimes</strong> : les écologistes sont les plus crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes au Parlement européen. Il n’y a pas que les votes qui comptent, mais aussi tout le travail de rapport, commission, etc pour lequel les député·e·s écologistes sont reconnu·e·s les plus travailleur·euse.s et engagé·e·s.\n <p class="text-center my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/pages/4sUpsGxTRoU7ndcwohp54q/classements-ong-v2">Je découvre l’analyse des ONG</a></span></p>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉 <strong>On n’élit pas qu’une tête de liste mais bien un collectif de futurs eurodéputé·es</strong> : notre liste compte des eurodéputé⸱es expérimenté·es courageux·ses et de figures engagé·es crédibles pour faire bouger les lignes sur leurs sujets de prédilection. \n C’est une de nos forces par rapport aux autres listes. Voici quelques vidéos portraits à partager largement, ou encore <a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope">la liste complète</a>.\n <div class="row my-4">\n <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-2">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6DznZV7vYlpNgCcBSIcBMM/marie-toussaint">\n Marie Toussaint\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4Ii2YvGSC1mFSzQ8znSo76/david-cormand">\n David Cormand\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/7h9MOS7ZK8QCYTuUOxL1uO/melissa-camara">\n Mélissa Camara\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/1RNfDxkUsPTOVEholJWy2f/mounir-satouri">\n Mounir Satouri\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/3CPS3b1dEPKBA2YDJMBC2E/majdouline-sbai">\n Majdouline Sbaï\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4ofDqte1bviKTIKS1EHX5O/benoit-biteau">\n Benoît Biteau\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n <div class="col-md-6">\n <ul>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6nFQzk7spihjkRFxZA1A12/caroline-roose">\n Caroline Roose\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/6s3Fe4Ho0VziqvBZZLT6KX/priscillia-ludosky">\n Priscillia Ludosky\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/4850iyRExzypVuOoRAj0S6/amine-kessaci">\n Amine Kessaci\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/ssEHAUumTvIOYEOT9wz9X/flora-ghebali">\n Flora Ghebali\n </a></li>\n <li><a href="https://ecologie2024.eu/trombinoscope/43zvorwoFgvYwvaTvbSW7p/claude-gruffat">\n Claude Gruffat\n </a></li>\n </ul> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li class="mb-4">👉\n <strong>Le programme de la liste Europe Écologie est le plus ambitieux et réaliste pour préserver et améliorer les conditions de vie en Europe</strong>:\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">\n <ul class="mt-4">\n <li>Protection du climat, de la biodiversité et bien être animal</li>\n <li>Souveraineté alimentaire</li>\n <li>Investissement dans les énergies renouvelables</li>\n <li>Revenu jeune</li>\n <li>Lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités</li>\n <li>Sursaut fédéraliste</li>\n <li>Europe de la diplomatie et de la défense\n </li>\n </ul> \n <p class="my-4"><span><a class="btn btn-darkgreen" href="https://ecologie2024.eu/mesures-urgentes">Je découvre les mesures urgentes</a></span></p> \n </div>\n </div>\n </li>\n <li>👉 Parce que la liste Europe Écologie constitue la seule liste <strong>pro-européenne, fédéraliste, cohérente et ambitieuse pour changer l’Europe et sauver le climat</strong> ! </li>\n </ul>\n </div> \n </div> \n </div>\n \n <div class="row mt-4">\n <div class="col-12 col-lg-4 col-md-6 offset-lg-4 offset-md-3 mb-4">\n <div class="d-flex flex-column h-100 border-black">\n <a class="card-link" href="https://wa.me/?text=Je%20viens%20de%20faire%20mon%20choix%20pour%20les%20%C3%A9lections%20europ%C3%A9ennes%20du%209%20juin%20prochain%2C%20pour%20moi%20ce%20sera%20la%20liste%20Europe%20Ecologie%2C%20men%C3%A9e%20par%20Marie%20Toussaint%2C%20celle%20qui%20d%C3%A9fend%20le%20mieux%20les%20valeurs%20d%E2%80%99Ecologie%2C%20de%20Justice%20et%20de%20Paix%20lors%20de%20ces%20%C3%A9lections%20cruciales%20pour%20notre%20avenir.%20%0A%0ATu%20veux%20en%20savoir%20plus%20sur%20leur%20programme%20%3F%20Rendez-vous%20sur%20le%20site%20ecologie2024.eu" data-sa-event-link-event="faire-procuration" title="">\n <div class="card-combat">\n <img src="https://content.citipo.com/serve/ddd80fd6-72d9-4b2f-90f4-e05781bc2b6a/website-content/f753740d-18a6-4072-ad14-8a0f63c31e6a.jpg" data-filename="arnaud-jaegers-5CoOYSxILSw-unsplash.jpg">\n <div class="p-3 card-combat-content bg-gradient-green"><h3>Je convaincs mes proches</h3></div>\n </div>\n </a>\n <div class="p-4 text-center flex-grow-1 d-flex flex-column justify-content-between">\n <div>\n <p>J'envoie un message à la liste des 10 à 40 personnes autour de moi pour les convaincre de voter pour la liste Europe Écologie.</p>\n </div>\n <span><a href="http://bit.ly/jevoteecolo_sms" data-sa-event-link-event="share-to-whatsapp" class="btn btn-lightgreen" target="_blank" title="">Convaincre mes proches sur WhatsApp</a></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n \n </section>\n </div></div> """ "titleLabel" => "Contenu externe" "descriptionLabel" => """ Ce contenu intégré est hébergé par un service externe. En affichant ce contenu,\n vous consentez à ce que %host% enregistre des cookies sur votre navigateur.\n """ "acceptLabel" => "Afficher le contenu" "externalLabel" => "Ouvrir" "cancelLabel" => "Ne plus charger ces contenus" "section_id" => "pages" "default_list_image" => "/res/default.jpg" ]